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Desc:The cancelled soap's wackiest plotline, where a lost city is found in the Philadelphia suburbs.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Fashion
Tags:Insane, soap opera, one life to live, eterna
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Comment count is 6
poorwill - 2011-04-19

Realistically, this is a lot less stupid than basically all the stuff I like, but as it is outside my demographic, I will laugh at it.

pbl648 - 2011-04-19

Okay, isn't this where Will Smith was discovered?

Billy the Poet - 2011-04-19

I think I thought I hallucinated this when I had strep throat in seventh grade.

kingarthur - 2011-04-20

...And this plot line was never mentioned again.

duck&cover - 2011-04-20

I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.

Rudy - 2011-04-20

I keep waiting for the Dr. Who theme to kick in.

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