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Comment count is 5
Stopheles - 2011-04-22

censored how, exactly?

fedex - 2011-04-22

"On February 1, 2004, during a concert being recorded for a DVD in Krak�w, Poland, the band displayed sheep heads on stakes, a bloodbath of 80 litres of sheep's blood, Satanic symbols, and four naked crucified models on stage. A police investigation took place with allegations of religious offence (which is prosecutable under Polish law) and cruelty to animals. The whole controversy led to the band being dropped from the roster of the Nuclear Blast Tour and the footage of the concert being confiscated by the police."

threads - 2011-04-22

This was the incident about 7 years ago that made me finally say, "Ok, if you can successfully get banned from an entire country I'll check out your album."

Been in love with Black Metal ever since.

fedex - 2011-04-22

whats really impressive to me is that anyone can play guitar with all those huge nails and shit sticking out of their arms

Old_Zircon - 2011-04-23

I always wondered why they had to take one of the crucified models down halfway through this show.

As far as straight up spectacle goes this doesn't hold a candle to Rockbitch, but on the other hand I'd actually listen to Gorgoroth.

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