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Comment count is 37
Amnesia Moon - 2006-12-03


Teldin - 2006-12-03

Fuck that is the creepiest thing I have ever seen.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2006-12-03

nature is a motherfucker

SRBtP - 2006-12-03


Baby Finster - 2006-12-03

Evolution: totally awesome since 3,000,000,000 BC.

fluffy - 2006-12-03

It's awesome that the ants now know to get rid of the zombie ants. THAT is proof of evolution.

Bone_Vulture - 2006-12-03

Insects are creepy. Mummified insects covered in parasitic death fungus are the stuff of nightmares.

Xiphias - 2006-12-03

nature is some crazy shit. Crazy shit!

BtheP - 2006-12-04

I had a fungus in my armpit last month. I hope it's gone...

William Burns - 2006-12-04

No words.

zatojones - 2006-12-04

Nature is gross and scary

Camonk - 2006-12-05

What the HELL nature! What the HELL

bopeton - 2006-12-05

Kick ass.

Vicious - 2006-12-10

God either hates ants or wants them to rule the world.

RockBolt - 2006-12-10

Oh, dear god no

Crucifried - 2006-12-12

I hope this evolves into human attackers. I want to fight zombies, god damn it.

Caminante - 2006-12-22

The most terrifying foes are the most simple ones.

Corman's Inferno - 2006-12-26

Nature is a beautiful and terrifying thing.

BAC - 2007-01-08

that would have to be the worst psilocybin trip ever.

Urburos - 2007-01-30

Make this for people. Please. I know its going to kill us, but I'll be entertained for a day or so.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-02-15

Someone should resubmit this. Attenborough is amazing. And yes, it's Plenty Scary. Worth the dupe

ninja related crimes - 2007-06-07

Resubmitted. Anyone got one on the rat parasite that screws with human fear reactions?

tamago - 2007-09-02

I must see this video. I am going to search for it right now. Wish me luck!

Namor - 2007-07-08

I feel sick and scared.

Pie Boy - 2007-08-22

I will have nightmares about this for the rest of my life.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-04-24


This video scares PoEsters.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-24

And if you want to turn this into a music vidio, play http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=31824 in a different window, and listen to Attenborough flow with his prosaic nature while ants and other insects die in horrible ways.

It makes viewing this a little easier on the stomach.

oogaBooga - 2008-06-27



thebaronsdoctor - 2008-10-21

How do we know that this hasn't already started affecting humans? How would you know if a fungus was taking over your brain?

atheistgirl - 2008-11-24

Creepy, and yet beautiful.

Reminds me of that X Files episode.

ninja related crimes - 2009-02-10


Hey Wheelie McJesus is still around


Lauritz Melchior - 2009-02-26

Oh god. Jesus fucking Christ that's horrifying!

Utter nightmare fuel.

Creeps - 2009-04-24

Mother. Fucker.

Cursed Egyptian Sex Toy - 2009-05-17

I'm sponsoring legislation that will make it illegal for animals of lesser phyla to kill those of higher ones. Spurred by this and the giant millipede eating a bat. Its a slippery slope, people.

Keefu - 2009-05-27


Error Again - 2009-09-13

I love entomopathogenic fungus!!!

Squeamish - 2010-03-25


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