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Comment count is 10
Binro the Heretic - 2011-05-04

"Hello, airport security? There's an unmarked gray van pulled up on the sidewalk next to the Eastern fence. There's nobody inside, but the left blinker is going. You might want to send a bomb-sniffing dog or something."

pastorofmuppets - 2011-05-04


Goddamn that song is good.

wtf japan - 2011-05-04

Tilt-shift makes the sky look funny.

Tom Collins - 2011-05-05

That's not tilt shift, just regular shallow depth of field.

exy - 2011-05-04


Innocent Bystander - 2011-05-05

And they land and take off and everything!

Meatsack Jones - 2011-05-05

I could stare at that all day. Also, what happens to the plane after it takes off?

Tom Collins - 2011-05-05

It's crushed to powder and sent for recycling.

memedumpster - 2011-05-05

This is neat, but I don't see any minotaurs.

Senator_Unger - 2011-05-05

They're on the planes.

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