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Comment count is 15
Zarathustra00 - 2011-05-04

Now that it can catch they need to teach it to throw and bat. Then all that will be left will be to make ones that are bipedal, on a unicycle, and capable of hovering and we will finally be able to replace MLB with Base Wars.

pastorofmuppets - 2011-05-04

until some idiot gives it a human heart, and then it starts throwing games out of kindness

Ersatz - 2011-05-04

First we teach it to catch, then throw, then bat, and then it learns to hold out during training camp while it renegotiates its contract.

But first we should teach it to catch WITH BOTH HANDS. FUNDAMENTALS, DAMN IT.

pastorofmuppets - 2011-05-04

Pretty sure the next iteration will have creepy spider legs "to cancel the vibrations." Also WTF is up with doing the math on a separate machine?

garcet71283 - 2011-05-05


Thats what's up.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-05-04

Why don't they make one where it watches cat videos all day and rates them with 5 stars?

fedex - 2011-05-04

100101010 damn, my secret is out 11001000100

kingarthur - 2011-05-04

That robot has some big hands.

longwinded - 2011-05-04

you know what they say

RockBolt - 2011-05-04

Yeah, its not long now

duck&cover - 2011-05-05

Robot trips balls while on coffee.

garcet71283 - 2011-05-05

Another case of Poster/Submission synchronization.

StanleyPain - 2011-05-05

Remember when someone on POEN made a fake account to be SLAGATHORBOT V.1 or whatever? For some reason this is how I imagined such a thing.

(also, that was hands down the funniest use of a sock account ever on POEN)

Time Travel Mishap - 2011-05-05

I thought it was going to be catching balls WHILE making coffee. Still amazing of course.

memedumpster - 2011-05-05

Robot steals the peach.

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