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Comment count is 18
poopskin - 2006-12-04

h o l y f u c k

bopeton - 2006-12-04

Awesome, but somebody sucks at starfox.

Zhou Fang - 2006-12-04

What is it you are supposed to do with the remote at 1:15???

sudan no1 - 2006-12-04

nostalga overkill. I'm sure the other levels are more interesting

Spider Jerusalem - 2006-12-04

I'm guessing flap your arms, ZF.

Afgh - 2006-12-04

Oh, the postmodern implications of using a Wiimote to twist a virtual GBA running WarioWare Twisted

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2006-12-04

Nintendo is staffed entirely by madmen.

Bone_Vulture - 2006-12-04

Hideously catchy interval jingle.

yoyo1 - 2006-12-04

Awesome, I don't know how long I'll resist buying a WII

Walker - 2006-12-04


fluffy - 2006-12-05

I could feel my attention span shriveling just by watching that.

FABIO2 - 2007-01-22

So it's one big ad for virtual console. Smart guys.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-05-02

What Oswald said. This is so uniquely HUH!?

craptacular - 2007-05-26

criminally addictive interval music

tamago - 2007-06-11

Did one of those pics tell me to put a WiiMote on my head?

Petrus - 2007-08-24

Vaguely creeped out by the shopkeeper shoving the question block up his ass after you successfully complete the mission.

Pie Boy - 2007-10-02

This is a wonderful, wonderful game. Other levels involve transmuted animal ninjas and disco.

Nikon - 2008-11-26

Looks like it's fun to play with a bunch of drunk friends while also being drunk.

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