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Comment count is 21
Caminante Nocturno - 2011-05-05

What do you gain from believing that people liked Wacky Races?

SolRo - 2011-05-05

It was tolerable way to waste a half-hour between better cartoon shows...definatly better than going outside.

This isn't

Kid Fenris - 2011-05-05

Can we expect a failed reboot of Stunt Dawgs ten years from now?

garcet71283 - 2011-05-05

I see Peter Perfect and Penelope Pitstop finally screwed.

Although, it raises rather creepy questions about their kids.

duck&cover - 2011-05-06

Extra-retard babies.

Xenocide - 2011-05-06

No Ant Hill Mob? What the hell's the point, then?

Portaxx - 2011-05-06

Cartoon Brew posted this once. They said Cartoon Network clearly only rejected it because it was "too good."

Xenocide - 2011-05-06

Cartoon Brew automatically adores anything that is either 40 years old, or a rehash of something that's 40 years old.

Conversely, if a cartoon does not meet these requirements, they will hate it to the very depths of their souls.

kingarthur - 2011-05-06

5 stars for Muttley's laugh.

cognitivedissonance - 2011-05-06

That is far too amazing an impression of Hans Conreid to be wasted on a show like this.

yay hans conreid impressionists

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2011-05-06

This is some seriously bad parenting.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2011-05-06

Apparently, the Ant Hill mob sleeps with the fishes.

Don't know who you're thinking of, but it's not Han Conreid.

At this point, Muttley must be about 300 in Dog Years.

Not only seriously bad parenting, but even worse construction methods.

I'd like to see what Professor Pat Pending has been up to lately. I'll bet he's got a really great iPhone. Except it's probably called an eyephone. Yes, I know Futurama already did that. I dunno maybe it a jPhone.

As someone who watched Wacky Races back in the days before even 10 year old kids were supposed to be hip and ironic, I found this to be pretty enjoyable, but not "too good" for the Cartoon Network.

B. Weed - 2011-05-06

"Don't know who you're thinking of, but it's not Han Conreid."

Wikipedia suggests it was Paul Winchell originally (and probably Jim Cummings in this).

cognitivedissonance - 2011-05-06

The voice of the scientist sounds uncannily like Hans Conreid, regardless of who played him originally.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2011-05-06

Oh The scientst? The bad guy who was plotting with Dick Dastardly? I thought you were talking about DD.

Okay, I wouldn't call it "uncanny", but I can hear an occasional resemblance.

Nikon - 2011-05-06

Or you could play Mario Kart.

themilkshark - 2011-05-06

I loved Wacky Races. I would have watched this, but honestly if you're gonna redo it shouldn't the cars be CG?

Redford - 2011-05-06

This was done for Speed Racer. The results were... a movie that looks suspiciously like you are watching someone play a cross between mario kart and FZero, but not actually a movie.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-05-06

The Speed Racer movie was a fever dream with high-budget effects.

Bort - 2012-12-04

I was on the edge of my seat watching this. It made it easier for me to see other links to click on.

casualcollapse - 2022-07-15


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