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Comment count is 13
SolRo - 2011-05-14

"Im trying to be optimistic about this"

That's what the unqualified interns who are writing this said.

Mambazo - 2011-05-14

This show is at least in the same tier of quality as Duck Dodgers, stop getting so down on it just because it ain't the classics. At least it's not Loonatics or Space Jam.

SolRo - 2011-05-14

Oh yeah? Look at the other teaser clips.

As bad as this one is, it's actually one of the better ones.

Corman's Inferno - 2011-05-14

I wanted to like this clip. I have a soft spot for the Looney Tunes, and reboots don't necessarily have to be terrible. But man, that was some bad writing.

dead_cat - 2011-05-14

I really have tried to like these new clips, but it just ain't happening. I haven't laughed once.

So yes, based on the clips, this new Looney Tunes show is terrible.

Born in the RSR - 2011-05-14

Have you actually watched Duck Dodgers? It was way better than whatever they're going for in this.

DrDoalot - 2011-05-14

I have to agree I didn't laugh out loud at this. I feel almost as if they did not write this with my age group in mind.

SolRo - 2011-05-14

Just like the original ones, right? No.

snothouse - 2011-05-14

The writing is very sitcom-y on all these clips, but I think the lack of animation is what makes these seem so off.

fatatty - 2011-05-14

Animators are much lazier these days.

James Woods - 2011-05-14

bullshit. focus groups are dummer.

Killer Joe - 2011-05-14

I wasn't amused, but I wasn't offended. Like muzak.

James Woods - 2011-05-14

The design is great. Jessica Borutski did a good job, but jesus... I don't want to watch Daffy and Bugs in Family Guy... More cartoon physics, less this bullshit. Five because raping my inner child is definitely evil.

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