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Comment count is 22
fedex - 2011-05-27

if you dont say awwww at least once you are dead inside

Cena_mark - 2011-05-27

The little kitty was having a nightmare and I was like "awwww," and then its mom hugged it and I was like "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!"

Sundry - 2011-05-27

Not pictured: The other 2 kittens she is sleeping on top of.

cognitivedissonance - 2011-05-28

And the three she ate after they died of exposure.

BHWW - 2011-05-27

"OK, that's enough Mom, Mom get off me, you're squeezing a little too tight ACK"

phalsebob - 2011-05-27


spiteful crow - 2011-05-27

Years from now Mom is going to play this video at every single awkward family gathering while Junior sits in the back of the room praying that none of his friends ever see this.

glasseye - 2011-05-27


Rosebeekee - 2011-05-27

Smotherly love.

Bootymarch - 2011-05-27

This is probably the single most adorable thing ever.

kingofthenothing - 2011-05-27

Poor kitten was having that World War II dream again. I hate when that happens.

kingofthenothing - 2011-05-27

you fight those Nazis, dream soldier.

hammsangwich - 2011-05-28

I don't like cats, or kittens, or human babies.

mashuren - 2011-05-28

Cool story bro

Hank Friendly - 2011-05-28

he also shops at hot topic

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-05-28

Cuteness limit reached.

bopeton - 2011-05-28

Had to subtract a star for the obnoxious clicking and popping sounds coming from the cameraman.

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2011-05-28

Adorable kitten spasms.

tak_a_je_to - 2011-05-28

Five stars for the "Dead Animal Removal" google ad that popped up a few seconds in.

Also, cute!

Squeamish - 2011-05-29


Walker - 2011-06-02

That kitten suffers from a disorder called Sleep Fighting.

The Mothership - 2012-10-20


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