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Comment count is 17
Stopheles - 2011-05-28

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you without a strong image to retch to.

Bozo - 2011-05-28

He has also used his Eggplant Wizardry to make a women let him pump a baby into her.

Millard - 2011-05-28

Sometimes I feel bad for being repulsed by horribly fat, ugly people. Then I remembered every other video this horribly fat, ugly person did and I don't mind feeding the kyriarchal machine just this once.

erratic - 2011-05-29

I started googling kyriarchal, but decided it was too late at night to head down that rabbit hole.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-05-28

People of Walmart.

Toenails - 2011-05-28

Who's holding the camera? Some dude's nuts???

TheOtherCapnS - 2011-05-29

Okay, I guess the talk about drugs must be ironic, because there's no way he doesn't sell something. Why else would anyone be in the same room with him ever, ever?

Also, gut hanging over genitals, check. Bent sausage legs, check. Swollen feet and ankles, check.

I was never that curious about what his body looks like, but now I am super duper curious about what his fianc�e's body looks like. For now I'm going to ignore what I've seen of her leg and go with the funniest possible mental image and picture a smoking hot, knocked up supermodel.

CIWB - 2011-05-29

I'm not familiar with VampiricSpektor, so I couldn't tell that it was a man until mystery cameraman called him Michael.

And why is his face so red? Sunburn? The exertion involved in sitting?

StanleyPain - 2011-05-29

The short story: he's just another idiot on YouTube who was easily trolled into doing/saying some really stupid shit by the 4chan/anonymous types. At one point, he claimed to have occult powers or something that he could use to kill people. There is something wrong with his face that he has never explained, most noticeably a huge bump on his forehead that looks like a cyst. He claims it's a bruise, but it's been there for years. I'm confused about how he got someone pregnant though since I thought his thing was that he was gay.

Syd Midnight - 2011-05-31

I didn't remember him by name, but I remember "the fat guy in denial about his forehead cyst"

Raggamuffin - 2011-05-29

I love the "hidden camera" viewpoint. I'm thinking he's a kind of Dian Fossey style researcher who camped out in their front yard for a while until they got comfortable with him.

Raggamuffin - 2011-05-29

Also, his living room is a lot cleaner than I would have expected.

garcet71283 - 2011-05-29

Its good that House Atreides has nothing to worry about.

bawbag - 2011-05-29

These stars are for garcet71283!

CIWB - 2011-05-29

I'm watching this for a second time, and I'm realizing the horror that this creature's engorged penis impregnated another human being.

My first instinct is to save the cat. Kitty doesn't deserve this.

And now that I've watched his other videos, I see that the red face thing is consistent. What the fuck is that?

NewHeavenSalesman - 2011-05-29

I braved the second rebirth of ED, and apparently the hidden cameraman is (at least according to the story) a guy who was mocking VS for at least a year before he was discovered by the internet. He also described the wife as having a "Mexican lunch lady look."

Everything about this particular exhibit is pretty depressing.

B. Weed - 2011-10-05

"This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy prohibiting hate speech."

What's that about?

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