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Comment count is 15
IrishWhiskey - 2011-07-17

It's like he's the gay Jack Cafferty.

"I like that, at age 16, she makes it a point of pride that she hasn't done pornography. That's like saying 'I'm about to do pornography' or 'I inevitably will do pornography'."

Chalkdust - 2011-07-17


Old_Zircon - 2011-07-18

should be a tag.

dead_cat - 2011-07-18

Should be a meme.

citrusmirakel - 2011-07-18


memedumpster - 2011-07-17

Okay, which one of you poesters is really Anderson Cooper? I know you're here, Anderson.

It's StanleyPain isn't it?

StanleyPain - 2011-07-18


HotwaxNinjaPanther - 2011-07-18

I'll never reveal my secret identity!

Toenails - 2011-07-18

I'm Terry Bradshaw.

Ocyrus - 2011-07-18

That is the cattiest gay man I've ever seen.

Robin Kestrel - 2011-07-18

If I were gay, I'd have a crush on Anderson Cooper.

baleen - 2011-07-18

No first "e" in judgmental. I am judging you.

Chalkdust - 2011-07-18


TeenerTot - 2011-07-18

I am in love with Anderson Cooper.

If only he were straight. Or a lesbian.

Banal Intercourse - 2011-07-19

You know what we need to do to compete with FOX? Hire Jon Stewart. That'll save the news.

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