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Desc:Shawn Michaels and Marty Janetty break up on the Barber Shop hosted by Brutus the Barber Beefcake.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Classic TV Clips
Tags:wwe, mullets, shawn michaels, Marty Janetty, Brutus the Barber Beefcake
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Comment count is 11
Xenocide - 2011-07-29

I remember being a kid and eagerly awaiting the epic showdown between the two ex-Rockers, which never came. The whole plotline was aborted and Jannety faded into obscurity while Micheals became a star. Maybe because the WWF realized that Marty Jannety has all the stage presence of a dead sea cucumber and he really did need Sean Micheals to make him look good.

All my stars for "what an act of cowardism!"

MongoMcMichael - 2011-07-29

Marty Janetty and Shawn Michaels won Pro Wrestling Illustrated's Match of the Year award in 1993. The feud was okay, but it wasn't really sustainable with Marty Janetty's marble-mumble-mouthed promos.

Can we please fix the wrestler's names in the tags?

duck&cover - 2011-07-29

They sure used up a lot of candy glass doing those segments.

zerobackup - 2011-07-29

Beefcake's mullet starts halfway down the back of his neck, classy.

sosage - 2011-07-29

I was a Beefcake fan as a kid. Being from my hometown (not really, but the character "hailed" from SF) + sleeper hold ender + cutting opponent's hair seemed so fucking bad ass when I was 8-10. Then he mysteriously disappeared.

zerobackup - 2011-07-30


twinkieafternoon - 2011-07-30

Brutus broke his face in a parasailing accident. WWE gave him a crazy mask and tried to play him as a sympathetic character, but it didn't take. Then, when Hogan left for WCW, Beefcake--one of Hogan's most faithful lackeys and buddies--left with him. While in WCW, he played a litany of terrible characters that all had the chance to lose to Hogan a lot.

YakooMarkTwo - 2011-07-30

It sure was lucky they had a camera filming the back of that window the whole time. What fortune!

CornOnTheCabre - 2011-07-31

Required Reading.

Rudy - 2011-08-01

God I miss The Brain. And Gorilla.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-08-04

When he said "tightest team" he was referring to their sphincters.

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