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Comment count is 23
Zarathustra00 - 2011-08-09

So is "being a free thinker" the new approach used by the Tea Party to rationalize their complete disconnect from facts/truth/reality/the rest of the goddamn human race?

jangbones - 2011-08-09

yes, they want to be free to think that complete fantasy is actually the truth

Cena_mark - 2011-08-09

Of couse this claim is outrageous, but so is the claim that the Tea Party caused the credit rating to drop. The very liberals like Kerry making this claim are just as retarded.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-08-10

It's too bad your world view is based solely on what you hear on AM talk radio, Cena. How are you going to get by without Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and their legion of wannabees, when you're below decks furiously scrubbing off dried semen from the walls of the enlisted crewman's quarters?

Xenocide - 2011-08-10

Don't tell that to the Tea Party. They seem very proud of wrecking our credit rating. Do you really want to take that away from them?

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2011-08-10

It's the morons the Tea Party helped to elect. Among the reasons we lost our AAA status were fear that we'd default, because a bunch of whackos were holding the entire budget hostage, and the failure to raise taxes on those whose taxes have been in decline for over 40 years (that would be the rich, in case anyone couldn't guess).

Thank you, Tea Party. Go and listen to Michelle Bachmann foam at the mouth, and ignore the rest of us when we point out all those pesky "fact" things she gets wrong every time she works her pie-hole.

Cena_mark - 2011-08-10

We need to reign in our spending. They didn't take the budget "hostage." They merely took away Obama's blank check.
But forget that. John Kerry is going to blame people who haven't even been in congress for 2 years? He's been fucking up this country for 30 years and he has the audacity to blame this on a group that's only been around for the 2010 session?
Scrotum, you don't know me so well. I think Limbaugh and Beck are morons. I do like Hannity somewhat, but the man I listen to is Neal Boortz. You should give him a listen sometime. You might learn something.

HotwaxNinjaPanther - 2011-08-10

Obama never had a blank check. He's been bending over backwards trying to please the right and he gets slapped in the face for it every time. They don't want him to cooperate with them. They want to lead him in circles all day so that the US fails and then they can blame it on him later.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-08-10

So you don't refute having to scrub dried semen off of the walls? Well ok then.

Void 71 - 2011-08-10

Cena's right when he says that the Tea Party dupes aren't to blame for this. The worst they've done is naively allow themselves to be co-opted by the very same political force that has been cutting our throats ever since Nixon opened trade with China. He's just unable to realize or admit that barely regulated Capitalism is what put us on the road to economic ruin.

Cena_mark - 2011-08-10

Void71, Thank you, finally some sanity from somebody here. Somebody who actually thinks rather than towing the Olbermann line. I'm not big on the Tea Party, but Its just down right shitty for John Kerry and others who should have seen this coming years ago to blame it on the Tea Party. John Kerry is just playing the blame game and trying to sell out the Tea Party just as he sold out his fellow soldiers in Vietnam.

Born in the RSR - 2011-08-09

Who in the hell is this doucheweasel? And who taught him the word "minutiae"? Was it his un-pleaseable college professor?

Bort - 2011-08-10

Santelli is the guy who first made noises about how this country needs to have a new Boston Tea Party, thus sparking the totally grassroots Tea Party that is by no means steered by moneyed interests. This is the face that launched a thousand shitheads.

Void 71 - 2011-08-09

I'm going to enjoy the inevitable depression as long as I can continue to see rich assholes lose their shit on live TV.

roughnready66 - 2011-08-09

Sports analogies are usually a tip off that an "important" person is about to say something unintelligible or run off the rails. See Al Capone's character in The Untouchables.

Xenocide - 2011-08-10

So what he's saying is that a good coach is like Ralph Cramden, who went ice skating with a baby on his shoulders, then took the umpire behind the barn (the regulation barn present in all baseball games) while we went off the tracks because the baseball game/baby ice skating race was being held on a train, but it's okay, because Rick Santelli's wife got 2 new jobs to help pay for it.

eatenmyeyes - 2011-08-10

Did you notice that in the analogy, it seems that the other coach is also the umpire?

longwinded - 2011-08-09


CornOnTheCabre - 2011-08-09

god we are all so fucking doomed

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-08-09

"I would rather see my country suffer under my ideology than see it prosper under another's."

Riskbreaker - 2011-08-10


Bort - 2011-08-10

Well put.

joelkazoo - 2011-08-10

Aw, for fuck's sake!

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