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Comment count is 17
misterbuns - 2011-08-17

Oh they aren't that fat.

Scynne - 2011-08-17


Raggamuffin - 2011-08-17

They aren't fat, they are midwestern.

Old_Zircon - 2011-08-17

they are muscular but still have beer guts over the muscle. Fit-fat.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2011-08-17

Hope he opted for the tug-of-war coverage.

The Mothership - 2011-08-17

America; we don't just win a pissing contest, we cut your dick off just to show you who's boss.

Corpus Delectable - 2011-08-17

These are my rednecks, in whom I am well pleased.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-08-17


Syd Midnight - 2011-08-17

Probably, the way the cab crumpled. "Hell I don't need roll bars, ain't nothin gonna flip this sumbitch!"

fedex - 2011-08-17

"well I never met [sic] to do that to the guys truck. we should had someone in front of both trucks so we knew when to shut down."

THAT would have been even better

charmlessman - 2011-08-17

Well THAT should end the Ford Vs. Chevy debate for good.

EvilHomer - 2011-08-17

America is the Russia of the Western Hemisphere.

Old_Zircon - 2011-08-17

Since the fall of the USSR, the Cold war has been fought in the stupid arena.

fatatty - 2011-08-17

And that ladies and gentlemen is what the Tea Party has done to the Obama administration.

FABIO - 2011-08-17

The winning truck needs a funny hat then.

Chalkdust - 2011-08-17

that's why you don't hit the red button

chumbucket - 2011-08-18

It's all fun and games until someone loses an axle

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