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Comment count is 8
chumbucket - 2011-08-24

Nike: Just Do It

Dr. Lobotomy - 2011-08-24

So, are we going to come up with a tag for this "I'll see your X and raise you Y" week that's been going on?

Squidmojo - 2011-08-25

Competition week?

charmlessman - 2011-08-24

Church groups: proving Darwinism yet again.

Timothy A. Bear - 2011-08-24

I saw a complete circle rainbow once at Niagra Falls on the Hurricane deck. It was mega-bitchin.

boner - 2011-08-24

I feel sorry for these young people and their one companion.

Seriously, though, you can't die by falling into a rainbow.

baleen - 2011-08-24

"I've never seen anything like this before," area man said of World Wraps new "Lil' Wrap Stand" that just opened in the parking lot. The Vernal Colonel, a BBQ chicken wrap with "3-Mexican Sauces," stuffed into a chipotle tortilla, sells for . "The Vernal Colonel is only available at the Vernal Falls State Park," World Wrap spokeswoman Jill Anders said.

mamiebangs - 2011-08-24

Retrieving bodies: huge waste of resources. They're dead.

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