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Desc:A collection of interviews with academics, artists, religious figures, and volunteers about DMT.
Category:Religious, Educational
Tags:dmt, elves, psychedelics, breaking reality, greater consciousness
Submitted:Macho Nacho
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Comment count is 5
riedquat - 2011-08-28

Smoking DMT was the weirdest experience of my life.

I have no other objective information to add to this argument. It's like an alien pooed in my head.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2011-08-28

Ok this is how it went:
"I bought some DMT"
What is that?
"Its an intense hallucinogenic. You smoke it, you vomit, and you trip total balls for like half an hour"
So are you going to smoke it?
"Am I going to inhale this bizarre chemical made in someone's basement? No. But I will allow one of my friends to do so"
"Ok call Alex"
- We let Alex smoke this powder and turned him loose in the back yard so he wouldn't puke on anything. He vomited for about 5 solid minutes, crawled under a bush and appeared to shiver, or have a seizure. 10 minutes later he banged on the door (we had left him under the bush so that we could watch Krull on DVD) and he wouldn't shut up about visiting an alien control center where they programmed presidents. Two days later he told us he was leaving on a spiritual mission to New Mexico and we never heard from him again.

garcet71283 - 2011-08-29

Shit, Alex is onto us...

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2011-08-29

The best part was that his parents didn't appear to give a shit when no one could get in touch with him. I guess when your son is the first person people call to feed strange chemicals, your concern for him dwindles.

duck&cover - 2011-08-28

What is a "mathematitian"?

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