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Comment count is 9
Mancakes - 2011-09-05

The regenerating health thing make me laugh because maxing the health regeneration aug in the original was exactly like that.

garcet71283 - 2011-09-05

That and the regenerating health is so slow that unless you can sprint away fast, you are going to die in 2-3 hits anyways.

Merzbau - 2011-09-05

I'm about halfway through this game. I just purchased the second (of three) levels of armor upgrades. More than one guy with even the shittiest machine pistol can still tear me a new asshole in about two seconds of sustained fire if I'm not careful, and this is on the medium difficulty setting.

That said, though, fuck Gamestop for getting the decent DLC with a story connection and a weapon that isn't basically just a slightly modified version of an existing item. The way the Amazon DLC is introduced is pathetic- after you complete the big dramatic tutorial, you literally get a "thanks for playing" popup message from the devs, 10,000 futurespacedollars, and two huge, unwieldy, overpowered weapons dumped straight into your inventory. There is no way to turn this off.

tl;dr Angry nerd defends, then complains about rather good video game

theSnake - 2011-09-05

Did you know that if you pirate the game you get all the DLC for free?

Merzbau - 2011-09-06

Yeah. I also know that a large group of people poured years of their lives into making a video game I really enjoy, and I'm not the kind of cheap fuck who'll begrudge them for it. I really don't feel like contributing to piracy in this case, since it's not crippled by DRM or missing anything really important.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2011-09-06

Pirate the game while all the people too computer illiterate to do so pay for games, complain when they're the ones game companies target

Pillager - 2011-09-06

I'm patiently waiting for the Deus Ex: HR GOTY edition.

fatatty - 2011-09-06

Yes, I do miss the days of clicking 'E' on every door and object to figure out if I can open/lift it. (You can also turn the highlighted objects off if you really like to get the most out of your 'E' button.)

And as said above, the regenerating health does not make this game too easy. It's definitely easy to die and offers plenty of challenge.

Maru - 2012-04-03

i can't believe you insufferable nerds are taking sides with the industry.

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