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Desc:They were not rescued because the Carolina Coast Guard decided not to rescue them.
Category:Military, Crime
Tags:sharks, coast guard, wasted tax dollars, i shouldn be alive
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Comment count is 14
baleen - 2011-09-08

When will this Coast Guard incompetence and wasted tax dollars end, when will it end. People were eaten by sharks because a bunch of redneck Coast Guards were making backyard wrestling videos. How could this be!

Chalkdust - 2011-09-08

I see what's going on here.

I tentatively approve.

Riskbreaker - 2011-09-08


chairsforcheap - 2011-09-08

over 65% of all retired coast guard members have felony charges. Most of which are for rape.

baleen - 2011-09-09

I've actually read that that when you take into account statutory rape that statistic is closer to 97%.

chumbucket - 2011-09-09

Well they're too busy combating terrorism, right?

The Mothership - 2011-09-08

People were never meant to be on boats; if God had wanted us to get in the water, he would have given us gills. And face paint.

Riskbreaker - 2011-09-08

Problem is, once a coast guard appears, you-can't-see-them.

Frabo - 2011-09-09

After 6 hours hiding under the boat, Debbie realized the plan was not working. Brilliant.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2011-09-09

I could live a thousand days and never know whether the coast guard existed or not.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2011-09-09

The coast guard is kind of a dick.

oddeye - 2011-09-09

This is an insult to the brave servicemen and servicewomen of the coast guard who risk their lives daily to fight the war on terror like any other military force.

If the sharks had turbans on THEN the coast would have had the living fuck guarded out of it.

dowstroyer666 - 2011-09-12

um flip over the boat

dowstroyer666 - 2011-09-12


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