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Comment count is 19
EvilHomer - 2011-09-11

I love longshoremen. For some reason, I've always thought the name would be perfect for a gay superhero, one who wears rubber boots and a watchcap, and fights pirates down at the fishery.

Jimmy Labatt - 2011-09-11

You really need to play Bioshock, son.

Jimmy Labatt - 2011-09-11

Also, stars for pure awesome thuggery

Oscar Wildcat - 2011-09-11

The proles are getting restless Jeeves; please amp up the "Gay ecohippie abortionists are taking away your guns and spending your taxes on nigger babies" broadcasts. That should passify them.

Cena_mark - 2011-09-11

Idiot longshoremen always give me something to do.

eatenmyeyes - 2011-09-11

You know, that could sound a bit risque if the reader does not know you are in the Coast Guard.

Ursa_minor - 2011-09-11

Oh I bet they do, big boy ;)

baleen - 2011-09-11

A little longshore sauce after work!

mouser - 2011-09-11

What's this all about?

teethsalad - 2011-09-11

out in oregon, a new grain elevator opened, and they were using scabs instead of longshoremen on long-held longshoreman territory. they were protesting, and one of the scabs sped through their picket line and hit a longshoreman. they ain't too happy right now

mouser - 2011-09-11


chumbucket - 2011-09-11

Territory? Sounds like gangland

dododge - 2011-09-12

This has apparently been building up since the grain elevator broke ground two years ago. The gist of it is that the longshoremen have a contract with the port which give them exclusive access to jobs, but the elevator has no contract of any sort with the longshoremen and believes that the port contract does not apply to them. There's an ongoing lawsuit to decide that.

To complicate matters the elevator is actually staffed by union labor -- just not from the longshoremen's union. That's probably upsetting them even more.

As far as the guys who were hit, from watching the video pretty much everybody shares the blame for that mess. A truck turned to go through the gate, two protesters left where they were picketing to step in front of it and yell verbal abuse at the driver, and the driver apparently decided he didn't want to deal with them and just kept going. 10 seconds later the same two protesters are seen doing the same thing to the next car, loudly goading the driver to hit them.

That was in July and things have continued to escalate. The feds (NLRB) have stepped in, have gotten a restraining order against the longshoremen, and have accused them of everything from being overly violent to violating federal labor laws.

Recently the longshoremen have started doing things like standing on the rail lines to block trains from getting to/from the elevator, and this past week several hundred of them swarmed into the facility and did some damage.

Frabo - 2011-09-11

Hey cockbite don't film the papers we have taped to the outside of our building! THOSE ARE SECRETS!

Xenocide - 2011-09-11

Unless you want trespassing! You want some trespassing? Cuz I got a whole barrel here! I'm trying to sell it but no one wants any.

Enjoy - 2011-09-11

Motherfucker Jones

duck&cover - 2011-09-11

But he IS on the PR staff. He's being diplomatic for a longshoreman.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-09-12

Longshoreman X lives!

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-09-13

Fuck U. Cocksucker comes off as a really likable, sensible fellow.

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