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Desc:Starting about 3 minutes in, he performs a song in the styles of several of his contemporaries.
Category:Arts, Humor
Tags:Louis Armstrong, Sammy Davis Jr., nat king cole, Tony Bennett, Mel Torme
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Comment count is 8
EvilHomer - 2011-09-11

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: I'd totally engage in homoerotic miscegenation with Sammy Davis Jr.

Ranma X. - 2011-09-11

Ah, back in the days where crippling alcoholism was a humorous character foible appropriate for gentle ribbing!

Sphinx - 2011-09-11

"When I move into a neighborhood, I wipe it out."

Robin Kestrel - 2011-09-11

"Davis was a headliner at The Frontier Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, but he was required (as were all black performers in the 1950s) to lodge in a rooming house on the west side of the city, instead of in the hotels as his white colleagues did. No dressing rooms were provided for black performers, and they had to wait outside by the swimming pool between acts. Davis and other black artists could entertain, but could not stay at the hotels where they performed, gamble in the casinos, nor dine or drink in the hotel restaurants and bars." - Wikipedia

hammsangwich - 2011-09-11

Those uppity blacks have had 40 years of equality, they should shut the fuck up.

Stopheles - 2011-09-11

"So THAT'S what he's famous for!"

-- Stopheles, age 15 or so.

dododge - 2011-09-11

In a recent interview Andrew Lloyd Webber mentioned that Sammy Davis Jr. had wanted to play the Phantom of the Opera. Webber had seen a bit of Davis on TV and in movies over the years and had built up an impression that he was a one-trick lounge singer and was skeptical to say the least.

Their joint friend Liza Minnelli pleaded with Webber to see one of Sammy's shows, and when she finally dragged him to one Webber's reaction was "I have never felt so ashamed in my life. For 2� hours I heard one of the most consummate performances I've ever heard, and he ended up doing 'The Music of the Night.'" He apparently then tried to get Sammy into the Toronto production but it didn't work out.

Pompoulus - 2011-09-12

Ladies and gentlemen, the roving lower jaw of Sammy Davis Jr.

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