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Comment count is 22
Riskbreaker - 2011-09-17

His wife was around here posting if i recall? I guess she already left the guy, and in true lukemorse1 style, the man just couldn't quit his art.

Hooker - 2011-09-17

It's username Catsmom on here, and she clearly left him ages ago.

It's a testament to the fact that sometimes humanity's greatest contributors (John Lennon, Isaac Newton, that's actually all I can think of right now) are terrible people.

kwash - 2011-09-17

This is absolutely required reading, one of the few times any exhibit here has had any interaction with PoeTV itself, even if it's through the exhibit's ex-wife:


simon666 - 2011-09-18

Choice exchange:
So Dan, have you quit drinking and stopped doing drugs yet?

I hope not.

Pompoulus - 2011-09-18

Oh man, those comments are brutal.

So this is what he sacrificed everything for.

baleen - 2011-09-20

It's weird how Christian moralists always have something "creepy" about them, and then shit like this comes out, and you aren't in the least surprised.

simon666 - 2011-09-17

Two words a girl does not want to hear: Daniel Songer.

Also, fish-lips is pretty funny. I'd like to see a 10 hour loop of fish-lips.

themilkshark - 2011-09-17

Fish lips changed my world view.

Baldr - 2011-09-17

He has a rather expressive voice.

Oktay - 2011-09-17

I strongly object to the description. Do not skip anything.

themilkshark - 2011-09-17


Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-09-17

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you our new weapon for the war on terror.

Charles - 2011-09-17

This is literally making me ill.

FatFatuousNation - 2011-09-17

I had begun to develop some skepticism about Daniel Songer's purported comedic genius, but then Fish Lips.

hammsangwich - 2011-09-17

from danpoetman.com:

posted at 02/17/11 - 07:22 AM
Daniel, I've seen the videos attached to the one you link here, and some of them seem very homophobic, and they're all about sex. How does your inspirational, positive message here work with the way you seem to live your daily life? I'd like to know your perspective on this.

Grandmaster Funk - 2011-09-17

He has books for sale, inspirational Christian books that he hopes will unite all humanity in harmony with God the Father!! With a Google Books preview! (COPYRITE DANIEL SONGER!!!) Glory Hallelujah.

StanleyPain - 2011-09-17

So, I forget...is this is guy terrible on purpose or is he past that point and thinks he's come full circle is actually REALLY funny?

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2011-09-17

I think it's kind of a Mobius strip at this point that goes looping in and out of itself with areas of despair, funny (intentional and not), pathos, and short pants.

Spit Spingola - 2011-09-17

The sadness is definitely pretty thick in this. I halfway expect him to break into tears. He really is the "van down by the river" motivational speaker, only grosser.

Hooker - 2011-09-18

Amazingly, he gets more out of shape, more visibly deranged, and more incompetent as he goes along. I believe this is a slow descent into madness.

Chalkdust - 2011-09-18

this man is nothing but id

lucienpsinger - 2011-11-30

He manages to get a healthy amount of spittle on himself at the end there.

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