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Comment count is 5
UmbilicalFiend - 2011-09-19

From the youtube description:

"These guys rocked hard . and had an unbelievable back story,... they were seriously bad ass, having spent 18 months in El Salvador with US special forces fighting a covert war against the Farabundo Mart� National Liberation Front, these guys returned home on a dishonorable discharge and decided to form a band... The rest is history."

probably not true, but hilarious

Old People - 2011-09-20

Speaking as a boring old ex-military man, I can say that that's definitely not true, but is very awesome.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-09-19

I love that bass riff in the chorus.

threads - 2011-09-20

Speaking as someone who kinda knew this band back in the day, it isn't true but I love them for trying to propagate that myth. This is also their best song.

UmbilicalFiend - 2011-09-20

please tell me they dressed like that all the time

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