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Comment count is 10
The Mothership - 2011-09-26

This guy was always on at 11:45 on Friday nights in the Portland area in the early 90s. I found him an entertaining alternative to the talk show's opening salvo at the time, but then I was 12 in 1991.

MrBuddy - 2011-09-26

So you're in the Portland area too huh? Jack Horkheimer WAS an entertaining alternative to the talk show's opening salvo and I was a little older than 12 back then. To me Star Hustler was a fun way to learn some science that really was fun, it gave me something to look forward to seeing in the night sky and a soothing way of saying, "Time for bed, sweet dreams." I'll always miss this guy.

Binro the Heretic - 2011-09-26

This is the last show the local PBS affiliate plays before going off the air on Saturday nights. I'm sure they play it during the week, but I only ever saw it on Saturdays. It was the perfect way to cap off an evening of syndicated British TV.

While astronomy was never my cup of tea, Horkheimer's enthusiasm was infectious. Not so much that I'd ever break out a telescope, but still...

I did get into Tomita because of this show.

cognitivedissonance - 2011-09-26

Sad. :-(


garcet71283 - 2011-09-26

I was wondering what had happened to him.

Always would see his bit before the weekly Doctor Who reruns.

This pretty much ruined my day :(

Rudy - 2011-09-26

This show always came on right before Red Dwarf and Dr. Who every Friday night where I live. That whistling was always signaled that it was time to go get the bong.

Rudy - 2011-09-26

And ever since, I've had trouble with my typing.

Ghoul - 2011-09-26

This brings back some happy childhood memories. I used to catch this on one of the three channels available at my grandparent's house, it would always be on just before bed. :)

chumbucket - 2011-09-26

Loved this little show. Kept me "looking up".

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-09-26

Isao Tomita and a grainy astronomy show... fucking perfect.

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