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Desc:The clip repeats itself over and over. Maybe it's a metaphor for something.
Category:Cartoons & Animation
Tags:Anime, fanservice, highschool of the dead, why japan doesnt produce babies anymore
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Comment count is 39
Innocent Bystander - 2011-10-05


Caminante Nocturno - 2011-10-05

You're missing on purpose, aren't you?


Riskbreaker - 2011-10-05

For anyone wondering, the entire show is like this. More boobs and panty shots than actual zombies.

fourthguy - 2011-10-05

I knew right away exactly which scene this was going to be.

FABIO - 2011-10-05

"That part in the anime with the panties" was enough to narrow it down?

fourthguy - 2011-10-05

No, but I figured that if any scene from this show would get submitted, it would have to be this one.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-10-05

It was either this or the 'best friends' scene from the first episode.

duck&cover - 2011-10-05

Bullet-time boobs.

charmlessman - 2011-10-05

This is the only way she can orgasm.

Charles - 2011-10-05

"Gun bullets travel at approximately 3500 km/h. This means her chest moved at 5250 km/h."


Xenocide - 2011-10-05

But how fast do non-gun bullets travel?

oddeye - 2011-10-05

That depends on the type of bullet surely, some travel faster than others.

Craptabulous - 2011-10-05

It really depends. Is that non-gun bullet traveling by Car, Train, or Airplane? It would be kinda redundant if he/she were traveling by bullet train.

Fur is Murder - 2011-10-05

In slow motion, the bullet was traveling slowly, while the sword girl's tits were flapping around like flags in the wind...

Xenocide - 2011-10-05

Good job on finding a way to make bouncing tits unsexy, anime.

MrBuddy - 2011-10-05

Having our view crammed up some girl's butt ended up being a lot less exciting than it sounds, too you know.

ashtar. - 2011-10-05

Well, now that we've exhausted any possibility of sex appeal, we can finally focus on the compelling plot and the unique and idiosyncratic character development.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-10-05

Oh dear, you seemed to have misspelled the word 'sexy.'

oddeye - 2011-10-05

Did it? I thought it was pretty hot, it would have been nice if the bullet ripped the gusset of her panties as it went past and if it was live-action but you can't have everything I guess.

Riskbreaker - 2011-10-05

Those boobs look more like jello, seems they are going to melt at any moment.

poorwill - 2011-10-05

If you can't masturbate to this, it's time to hand in your dick.

Born in the RSR - 2011-10-05

I, for one, quite enjoyed this series.

oddeye - 2011-10-05

Why do schoolgirls in Japan got to dress so sexy? Wait I think I answered my own question there.

EvilHomer - 2011-10-05

I like the fact that the animators took the time to address the shooter's firing position. The fact that he's using improvised support in a prone position to help stabilize his weapon is a stroke of genius; it's a small point that shows great attention to detail, and indicates that someone on the animation team clearly understands real-world firearms. All too often, anime writers treat guns as a simple appendage, something to be waved around and fired at random with no regard for physics or the fundamentals of proper marksmanship.


I have to take issue with the sniper's choice of support. The human body can make a stable platform from which to fire, but not when it's thrashing around, and certainly not when one places one's elbows directly on top of the abdomen like that. The heaving motion of her breasts alone would be enough to throw off his point of aim every time he takes a shot! To say nothing of the sheer distraction inherent to the situation.

Now, granted, this may all be by design, a clever exercise in character study and plot development. The sniper is clearly a teenage boy, and teenage boys, even teenage boy snipers, tend to prefer lying on top of tits to prudent marksmanship. It may also be a subtle cue from the animators to explain why the sniper is repeatedly missing his target from barely a hundred meters away. But it's still absurd, dammit.


Change - 2011-10-05

Okay fine, stars,

Cena_mark - 2011-10-05

And though he keeps missing the zombies, he comes much closer to hitting his sword wielding ally. This cartoon isn't realistic at all!

EvilHomer - 2011-10-05

Yeah, I was wondering about that. Was he trying to shoot the zombies, or was he trying to shoot the girl?

jimmicampkin - 2011-10-05

I don't have the faintest idea what you are on about.


Cena_mark - 2011-10-05

I assume since sword girl is killing zombies that the guy with the gun is trying to help but is an idiot.

FABIO - 2011-10-05

This is on Netflix instant so I checked out an episode out of morbid curiosity. This clip is pretty much the whole thing plus a billion other anime cliches.

The only thing I really remember is that one of the characters is the voice actress for the christian chick from Ghost Stories.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-10-05


Squeamish - 2011-10-05

Jesus, why have zombies in it at all, then?

fourthguy - 2011-10-05

Also, what's up with her uniform? Her shirt appears to have individual tit pockets.

kwash - 2011-10-05


jyrque - 2011-10-06

Anime is all about tit pockets, man. Just watch any show with girls.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2011-10-05

Tits, guns, and nationalism.

Fuck this series.

Riskbreaker - 2011-10-05

Nationalism? Really? I saw like one or two episodes of this thing. I'l have to watch too much to reach that part? I'm assuming is done in a very "serious" way rather than being a satire.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2011-10-06

I don't know if they animated it or not, but in the original manga the cast later hooks up with a right-wing nationalist group, where the leader is made out as a flawlessly charismatic superman and strawman dissenters are killed by the zombies.

At that point, fed up with all the needless fanservice, excessive gun porn, and forced attempts at social commentary... it ran out of chances and I gave up out of disgust.

FABIO - 2011-10-10

Just think of all the unnecessary social commentary we could have saved ourselves if Romero hadn't just happen to have cast a black man as the NotLD lead.

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