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Comment count is 35
TeenerTot - 2011-10-25

Fuck this guy for thinking he knows what girls watch/do/are aware of. Moron.
Also, is there something akin to a "community college" tag?

memedumpster - 2011-10-25

Needs "drop this class like it was fire" tag.

Cena_mark - 2011-10-25

Bronies are the bane of Intro to Public Speaking.

Riskbreaker - 2011-10-25

inb4 shitstorm in the poetv comments.

This is just too much, where are these people coming from?

Xenocide - 2011-10-25

The internet.

Cena_mark - 2011-10-25

Back in the day dorks of this magnitude would keep their bullshit hidden, but they found strength in numbers on the internet.

memedumpster - 2011-10-25

From the YouTube comments (and I am so sorry)...

"you and a few others gave me the balls to give a speech for my class :) lol. I'm giving my speech Thursday wish me luck Bronies."

I hope you're sitting down...

"im in the army . im a brony . my first Sargent (AKA my boss) found out my love 4 ponys . at parade rest i clearly explained the characters and story-line . he was blown away by my composure and confidence . im now up for a promotion and teaching a class on the show . bronydom has been my greatest venture"

Cena, I am so glad you joined the now leagues more respectable Coast Guard.

Cena_mark - 2011-10-25

The army will take about anything with a pulse. You have to score twice as high on the ASVAB to get into the USCG than the Army.
And what's with these idiots saying they got the balls to do speeches about ponies. They lost their balls and their man-cards.

Knuckles - 2011-10-25

I totally agree, cena (it feels so weird to say that). Before the internet, society's dorky dredges had nowhere to go with their stupid bullshit, so they never had the confidence to flaunt their awkward, sweaty, zit-covered hobbies. Nowadays they're everywhere. Weeaboos, furries, bronies, adult wrestling fans... it's sickening.

Cena_mark - 2011-10-25

Now hold up. There's nothing wrong with liking wrestling. As its a sport wrestling is awesome and manly. Its been socially respectable for men to like wrestling for generations.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2011-10-26

"at parade rest i clearly explained the characters and story-line ."

This is rather the weirdest part for me. This implies that the first sergeant had him standing at attention prior to this. Was he in formation at the time? Giving some sort of formal report when the subject of My Little Pony came up? What?

Cena_mark - 2011-10-26

I found that strange too. I was wondering if in the Army parade rest was more than just an order you give a formation.

Sputum - 2011-10-25

Defend this Caminante. Defend it.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-10-25

Maybe you should be asking Cena Mark to defend it, seeing as how he's ten times the brony any of us could be.

Cena_mark - 2011-10-25

Caminante can't defend this, because he knows it ain't right.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-10-25

But you know that it is.

Squeamish - 2011-10-25

Why isn't anyone tackling the podium? Why isn't anyone trying to stop this?

chumbucket - 2011-10-25

Not even a single shoe thrown..shame.

Cena_mark - 2011-10-25

If you're going to talk about My Little Pony in a public speaking course you should at least do it well, but all these speeches are awkward and terrible. He better not have gotten a passing grade on this, but with today's inflated grades I'll bet he got a B.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-10-26

The B stands for Brony.

BHWW - 2011-10-25

Go ahead and conquer us, China. We deserve it.

Mother_Puncher - 2011-10-25

I thought everyone already gave up on this old meme and moved on- oh, it's 4chan.

Cena_mark - 2011-10-25

The problem with My Little Pony is that its more than just a meme, but a fandom. Memes will continue to grow from it, as long as the fandom is active and popular.

Xenocide - 2011-10-25

HEY POETV! Tired of submitting videos that only get one half-assed comment? Want a guaranteed giant pile of responses to your next video?

Then post something related to My Little Pony! Anything! It doesn't matter what! Act now, and get:

* Long angry diatribes!

* Thread after thread of responses!

* People devoting time and effort to "figuring out" an internet fandom!

* Caminante!

* At least one "America is doomed" joke per video!

* The most Cena Mark responses (by volume) of any topic!

* BONUS: Cena will have his arms crossed the entire time so you can't see that he's wearing a Pinkie Pie tshirt.

eatenmyeyes - 2011-10-25

I would have guessed Applejack.

Cena_mark - 2011-10-26

Well from what I gathered in the 2 episodes I was able to get through, I did hate Applejack the least.

Riskbreaker - 2011-10-26

The funniest thing for me about this is how, all of a sudden, Chris Chan has become a "pretty cool" guy, since he was an "original" bronie.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-10-26

Imagine if this dork put his time and effort into something more worth while, like any other fucking thing on the planet.

SolRo - 2011-10-26

5 for Cena obsessively responding to this talking down bronies....me thinks someone is in the bronie closet.

Cena_mark - 2011-10-26

By that logic I guess I'm also a closet OWS supporter.

Nikon - 2011-10-26

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Spoonybard - 2011-10-26

This is so fucking internet. It's like he didn't even consider the possibility that his audience isn't familiar with words like "moe" and "4chan"

Sudan no1 - 2011-10-27

I listened to this with Dr. Dre in the background to try to counteract what this asspie was doing to my mirror neurons.

Old_Zircon - 2012-06-04

http://youtubedoubler.com/?video1=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fw atch%3Fv%3DSSlKh4if6P0&start1=32&video2=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.c om%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1dPDO3Tfab0&start2=0&authorName=meahwahwah

tamago - 2012-02-20

Well, that was awkward.

Not that I love the show any less, but all he had to do was say "Sonic Rainboom," "Tactical Rainbow Nuke" and "Psychotic Pony Breakdowns" and it would have been enough.

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