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Comment count is 17
poorwill - 2011-12-03

People are trolling benick? This makes me sad.

simon666 - 2011-12-03

Yeah, seriously :(

simon666 - 2011-12-03

Also stars. Keep reaching for that turkey, benick112!

Adham Nu'man - 2011-12-03

Yeah, people act real disgusting on the web.

takewithfood - 2011-12-03

I knew this day was coming. T__T

Burnov - 2011-12-03

I didn't think it was possible, but the fruits are clearly evident.

I like how some of the words he says resemble that of ebonics.

"Nomo' anymo'".

"I threw Ip-on the FLO!"

Please sir, post more hate.

Benick112 just got interesting.

The Mothership - 2011-12-03

I think many here would disagree with you.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-12-03

Man, poor guy. I really wish he could have a million subscribers that would leave him really nice comments about how cool and smart he is. I really really do.

grimcity - 2011-12-03

I'm anti trolling him. He lacks the evil I'd normally enjoy here... the only evil is the trolling, and as a fan of trolling, he's just not the fella that deserves it. It's like kicking a puppy.

baleen - 2011-12-03

I once tried to motivate poe people to go to his channel and say lots of nice things to him, but evil won. The internet is a cruel place.

exar_kun - 2011-12-03

Southern or retarded?

simon666 - 2011-12-03

What are the reasons you are unable to articulate a full thought?

exar_kun - 2011-12-03

I think I conveyed my point both concisely and adequately.

Simon666's reply is a prime example of what is wrong with POETV and why it will soon be extinct like POE and POENews. This site used to be about someone posting a video and the rest of us making witting comments or social commentary. Now many of the comments are full of useless vulgarity or like my friend simon here sniping at or leaving negative comments after other users posts.
Congratulations POETV we are finally Youtube.
We used to leave comments here that indicated an intelligence at least one standard deviation above the norm, now it is hard to find a video that doesn't have one comment without a fuck, shit, or cock in there. I do have to agree with simon666 here that I did not push any envelope intellectually with my comment, but it seems more and more we are falling into strife and internal derision.

I believe we are not too far from posts that include fat jokes about mothers and "faggot you wouldn't say shit shit to face". Just something to think about in these the last days of POE.

Squeamish - 2011-12-04

That's a lot of words to say "I am a small-balled individual and shall never leave my basement in my life."

simon666 - 2011-12-04

I'm sorry, are you suggesting that "Southern or retarded?" is witting commentary?

exar_kun - 2011-12-04

I hope Squeamish's comment was sarcastic, or I believe he was trying to say "that was too long for me to read even so, I'm going to post a comment that pretty much validates every point he is trying to make".

fatatty - 2011-12-04

So you see a thread filled with people displaying sympathy for someone being trolled. A fairly interesting light discussion on how trolls interact with puppy like humans on youtube. You make a retard/hick joke and then accuse poeTV of being crass.

Shouldn't you be pretending to be a Cherokee and harassing the mentally challenged somewhere?

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