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Desc:The fine people at Once want you to purchase their product/service.
Category:Advertisements, Pets & Animals
Tags:advertisements, spain, Once, furby
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Comment count is 6
fedex - 2012-02-21

you're doing it wrong

dementomstie - 2012-02-21

Are they selling goblins? Can you sell goblins? Aren't they intelligent creatures with their own will? Is this an ad for slavery? Quick! Someone inform the Ministry of Magic!

Sundry - 2012-02-21

Lottery tickets.

ONCE is a charity for the blind and visually impaired (Focusing on the integration of the blind to different workplaces) that sells lottery tickets in spain.

So it no coincidence that if you close your eyes this thing ist just a cute tune.

Pouring a 40 for I EXPLAIN THE JOKES.

Spoonybard - 2012-02-21

I wouldn't describe the music as "cute", really, but I have no trouble believing a blind person paired it with that video

dementomstie - 2012-02-24

Um... guys... I wasn't being serious. I found that it was about a lottery and felt that it would be humorous to suggest that instead of understanding that it was about money that I believed that Goblins exist and that this camera crew had finally proved me right!

fatatty - 2012-02-21

Obviously the Goblins represent humanities dreams, which we are all constantly chasing as we run through life. Some people catch them, most merely cage them, only a select few people conquer them and feast on their entrails.

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