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Comment count is 16
jangbones - 2012-03-12

Like a champion!

dek863 - 2012-03-12

Pick up of shame.

Wander - 2012-03-12

No, I do NOT need an instant replay, thanks.

Hatman - 2012-03-16

So many high fives in the control room.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-03-12

Good boy.

That guy - 2012-03-13

"Good start, great start even... don't look at the clock.
See saw, yeah. Tunnels- too easy- way too easy.
Man I'm in the zone.
Ok, pyramid thing- halfway there, stay focused.
AAGH, stupid backtrack tunnel- now I get it- it's like they're so easy you might forget one-OHSHIT I looked at the clock. Why do they face it into that tunnel? Under 26?? Out the turnaround tunnel under 26 seconds??? I..WON..

......but, Ode on a Grecian Urn....
If I win this I can never DREAM of winning it.

Slaloms!? ...Uhnnnkh nnh hh

Yeah, what now audience? It's like Hamlet wrote Notes from the Underground in a single letter. I just took the most insouciant turd of my life.

Here, let me sign it.
...hell with you people."

Xenagama Warrior Princess - 2012-03-13

Power dump.

The Mothership - 2012-03-13


SixDigitDebt - 2012-03-13

That was a pretty large turd that came out of that dog.

Rudy - 2012-03-13

You would think it would be worth a couple of points at least.

kingarthur - 2012-03-13

The most blunt, yet astute, analysis of dog breeding competitions I've seen so far.

The Mothership - 2012-03-13


TeenerTot - 2012-03-13


Redford - 2012-03-13

Dog breeding: Create a dog which is equivalent to a standard created by a bunch of people who actually have no idea how a dog works.

Chalkdust - 2012-03-13


Oktay - 2012-03-18

This is a really nice obstacle course... FOR ME TO POOP ON!

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