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Comment count is 10
urbanelf - 2012-06-02

Kurt Russell?

saintjimmy - 2012-06-02

Steven Seagal?

takewithfood - 2012-06-02

Duke Nukem and the Dude had a baby.

exy - 2012-06-02

Meat Loaf?

Randroid - 2012-06-02

Maybe mentally unstable people is a critical voting group?

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-06-02

Maybe even a simple majority.

baleen - 2012-06-03

You joke. My dad was a bureaucrat in a managing capacity for a large Federal agency for a long time and this is basically 50% of the job. If you don't do this, you will be hung to dry.

big pincers - 2012-06-02

if I was this mayor I would probably have him pepper-sprayed and hauled out of the office. but that's just me.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2012-06-02

"I want you to buy me a car..."

yogarfield - 2014-10-29

Holy shit, did he do this more than once, or did I dupe?

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