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Comment count is 9
exy - 2012-10-25

What's most tired here? Tom Hanks? Slam poetry? Full House? The actual content of the poem itself?

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-10-25

I think you're the only one tired of it.

exy - 2012-10-25


I watched it. I was amused... and yet, unamused. I guess I appreciate that tension.

Old_Zircon - 2012-10-25

Trick question, it's actually Jimmy Fallon.

exy - 2012-10-26


chumbucket - 2012-10-25

The bass player.

CIWB - 2012-10-25

This is great, and you should all feel bad for giving it less than five stars.

Nikon - 2012-10-27

I thought it was pretty funny too. Maybe not five stars' worth of funny, but enjoyable.

memedumpster - 2012-10-25

Hate hate hate hate.

Sigh, love.


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