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Comment count is 15
Change - 2012-11-27

I'm not familiar with Japanese TV. Does it just go from silence, to this, and back to silence again, like nothing happened?

Change - 2012-11-27

I know it's taboo here, but can someone out themselves as a Japanese-speaking weeaboo, and explain this in context (or maybe just translate the creepy spoken portion)?

Xenagama Warrior Princess - 2012-11-27

Not sure. A quick check on Google Translate brought me to someone's collection of North Korean calibration screen music though.


uekibachi - 2012-11-27

All it says is 'soon it will be 5:21 in the morning'

Spaceman Africa - 2012-11-27

yeah that certainly is a thing

fedex - 2012-11-27

hazard a guess, tv calibration and assistance for the...blind? err...

cognitivedissonance - 2012-11-27

Probably a wake up reminder for commuters.

divinitycycle - 2012-11-27

I can't help but imagine a cheesy opening cinematic for a first generation Sega Genesis game, something involving robots, space, and attempts at anime-inspired camera moves.

Tell me you wouldn't play it, I dare you!

Riskbreaker - 2012-11-27

Simple, it's the hour in which the alien race that controls the dreams of japanese people switch their mental programming in their tvs, so that they can keep producing magical crazy ideas when they are awake.

Xenocide - 2012-11-27

Japan TV now begins its broadcast day.

Stay tuned for "Your Family Remembers Your Many Failures," followed by "Celebrities Reacting With Alarm to the Actions of Cats."

Then Children Time begins with "Combining Robot Budget Planning Division", followed by "Chibi Rape Team Z"!

Please take this brief musical interlude to meditate on how you are insufficiently loyal to your employer.

fedex - 2012-11-27

ohhh I love Chibi Rape Team Z!!

boner - 2012-11-27

The title of this song is "associating pentatonic scales with asian people is racist"

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-11-27

The song is a wicked cool sped up electronic version of "Kimigayo", the Japanese national anthem. It is traditionally played at sunrise, which plays into the imagery of the Japanese emperor and the rising sun of Japan. It is also extremely controversial because of all the emperor worship stuff.

5:20am was probably the time of sunrise for this day. Sorry to ruin the mystique.

memedumpster - 2012-11-27

Crushing reality of Japanese life over culturally imaged exported fantasy brought to you by GIGAFLAN!!!!! :)

chumbucket - 2012-11-27

This replaces F16s, Eagles and Mt Rushmore images.

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