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Comment count is 8
themilkshark - 2013-01-22

This tubby rich kid has such a weak grasp on the subject matter he's talking about. It doesn't help your argument when you come across like you're trying to excuse the history of white colonialism and the genocide that's coupled with it.

Also, what the fuck did he think he was going to accomplish bringing up the Buffalo Soldiers?

Hooker - 2013-01-22

Ugh. While not a white supremacist, my brother argues exactly like this idiot. Just one confused tangent or anecdote after another.

jangbones - 2013-01-22

"while not a white supremacist"

sure abut that?

themilkshark - 2013-01-22

Yeah, some people feel that there are specific conditions to fitting the bill of a "racist" and use that to exclude themselves from being considered racist either. What this man puts forward with his white student union is that he's mostly afraid of minority races and their attempts to thwart any existing nepotism, favoritism and scale-tipping in the corporate world. He's protecting his handouts from falling into the wrong colored hands.

Hooker - 2013-01-22

No, I'm not sure about that. But by "argues exactly like this," I didn't mean he uses these arguments (I can't even understand this guy's arguments). I'm just saying my brother argues in this same erratic, fractured fashion regardless of what his topic is.

Species - 2013-01-22

Oh Maryland.

ashtar. - 2013-01-23

Sure, white people control most of the positions of power, wealth, and influence, but since they're just using their power to enrich themselves rather than the White Race, it doesn't count.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-01-24


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