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Comment count is 23
zatojones - 2007-01-25

I take it that the movie industry of the late 70s was a race to rip off the success of Star Wars

Billy Buttsex - 2007-01-25

Star Wars with hotter girls and less clothes? Thanks!

HURF BLURF DUH - 2007-01-25

YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE HURLED... Yup, I hurled all right.

sosage - 2007-01-25

Only a hundred million nights? hrm. For some reason I thought space was bigger than that.

Capn Profan!ty - 2007-01-25

Caroline Munro has magnificent tits.

ebola - 2007-08-11

Yeah she does!

kingarthur - 2007-01-25

Oh man...Marjoe Goitner + Hasselhoff + the power of neon + space dildos = classic movie.

stanleypain - 2007-01-25

Holy shit, this looks 500 times better than the Star Wars prequels.

Killer Joe - 2007-01-25

Light sabers weren't trademarked?

erratic - 2007-01-25

how have I never heard of this?

Hooper_X - 2007-01-25

All I can think of is how much better Star Wars woulda been if Hasselhoff had played Luke Skywalker.

jrr - 2007-01-25

It's drek like this and Space 1999 that lets you realize how well done Star Wars actually was.

Afgh - 2007-01-25

Christopher Plummer keepin' it real!

Caminante - 2007-01-27

They crashed through the windows of a spaceship and... Wait!

keinsignal - 2007-02-01

It's like Star Wars, Barbarella and Ray Harryhausen were all thrown in a woodchipper together.

bopeton - 2007-04-06

Count isn't a very high rank for someone who rules half a galaxy. What does the Duke rule?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-05-16

Magnificent. Best spear weilding robot movie ever.

BtheP - 2007-05-25

I see nothing in this trailer that is not superior to Star Wars.

Gwago - 2008-03-01

That was awesome. But enough with the lazer noises...?

oogaBooga - 2008-06-11

Even the sword makes laser noises. Also: lack of decompressing humans. Worth a watch.

Alektorophobic - 2008-06-24

You got your Clash of the Titans in my Battlestar Galactica...

Wombles - 2009-05-26

I'm actually going to watch this movie.

Torpedoes full of soldiers? Oh yeah.

Old_Zircon - 2012-05-04

This movie is fantastic. It's also a Roger Corman production shot in English with a partially American cast, even though it was shot in Italy and looks very Italian.

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