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Comment count is 15
Xenocide - 2013-05-01

So Obama stayed president for 65 years? Keen.

Shame on them for not calling the cat "Rachel Meowdow." Why is humor an alien language to most conservatives?

Nominal - 2013-05-01

Because it requires self awareness.

gravelstudios - 2013-05-01

I honestly can't tell if this is a conservative making fun of liberals, or a liberal making fun of how they think conservatives view them.

Adham Nu'man - 2013-05-01

Well, her life could have ended worse. She could have been locked in her apartment alone making shitty "humorous" youtube videos that pathetically attempt to reclaim the old status quo as the world around her kept changing and evolving not giving an absolute fuck about her stupid opinions. And then she just fucking died.

Now that would have been just pathetic.

mon666ster - 2013-05-01

Stars for you.

misterbuns - 2013-05-01

died terrified in an alien world.

Old_Zircon - 2013-05-01

k in student loans? Glad to see they cost of higher education went down by, what, 75%?

baleen - 2013-05-01

People actually think this way.

This is the guy who in, in 9th grade, sat next to you in a long sleeved button-up (that his mom ironed) proudly and pedantically affirming that the greatest contribution of white people to the world was the Constitution and the "right of property."

Gmork - 2013-05-01


Mother_Puncher - 2013-05-01

The life of Terry

At age 7, Terry is forced into working in a steel mill due to insufficient school funding because his father could not afford to send him to a private school in the Job Creator domes. Terry works 16 hour days for 2 months before collapsing from heat stroke at work and being fired.

At age 10, Terry is accused of not being a patriot for forgetting to salute and praise the name of Mecha Reagan as he entered his job at the fertilizer factory and is beaten and kicked out. This may have saved his life because 2 days later the factory exploded. Unsafe work conditions were due to the Chamber of Commerce killing a bill that would provide better safety in fertilizer factories.

At age 17, Terry loses his job at the cigarette factory when he asked fro time off to attend his sister's funeral. She died due to foreseen pregnancy complications as a result of rape. Because rape is now seen as an act of God, abortion is illegal and rape cases are on the rise

At age 18, Terry begins working as a janitor at the same corporate church that he is legally forced to attend every Sunday and Wednesday night. With spiritual guidance from his pastor, Terry is able to discover what God has in store for him. He joins the military to fight against gay muslims in the Non-Americas. He is injured on his first day of deployment in England by a friendly air strike while fighting poor people in the slums of London. He escaped nearly unharmed except of a wounded leg.

At age 20, Terry is back home and working in the new fertilizer/cigarette factory after a corporate merger. He has to take the long road with his dog, Rush Limbark, because he could not afford to take any other road as all roads have been privatized. Due to his wounded leg, Terry cannot make it home before curfew. As he passes the fence that separates the worker slums from the job creator domes, Terry begins to imagine what it would have been like to been born rich. Just then he sees the lights of a Culture and Heritage squad car. He sees two large men with shaved heads wearing spiked boots that say "These boots were made for stomping" on the bottom. Th C&H officers believe him to be a colored sympathized and military defector due to the crossed out military barcode on the back of his neck. Terry's only option is to pull a gun on them that he bought with every last dime he had. He pulls the trigger and, due to no quality standards for products, the gun explodes and blows off his hand. He falls back on the ground screaming and holding his hand stump. The biggest skinhead approaches him and says "dont worry. The free market will take care of that" before beginning to beat Terry with a crowbar. As Terry screams in pain he looks back at the Job Creator Domes and tries to grab at the fence while thinking "maybe I should have just been rich."

misterbuns - 2013-05-01

Rush Limbark.

IrishWhiskey - 2013-05-01

I was convinced this was satire of conservatives, but the site appears to be sincere, and the comments largely agree with it.

There's two things going on in the video:
1) Describing things which don't exist, like schools passing kids based on happiness. If you have a real complaint, you shouldn't need to make things up.

2) Describing inoffensive things as if they are horrible. Julia joins a topless drum circle. And? So what? Why should I or anyone else be horrified by this? Why should I care that her parents insurance is paying for a sex-change? Why should I be outraged that she died happily married, without a kid? There's no way to reach these conclusions without blindly hating what you've been taught to hate, which is everyone different from you.

StanleyPain - 2013-05-01

Next to the term "strawman" in the dictionary, there should just be a link to this video.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-01

"Cause that's how liberals die."

Yeahhhhhh okay.

Spaceman Africa - 2013-05-02

Julia lived a life happier than most conservatives

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