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Desc:'I'm told I'm a racist by a great deal of people'
Category:News & Politics
Tags:racism, britain, airtight argument, Paul Weston, precious youtube comments
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Comment count is 23
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-06-29

"Just because I condemn one group for being violent and bloodthirsty while wanting my own country to return to a time when it subjugated most of the brown people on the planet, some people call me a racist. Well, so be it."

It's hard to penetrate stupidity that thick.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-06-29

Also, as Jeremy Hardy once observed, just about everywhere on Earth where you find violence and chaos, there was usually an Edwardian pillar-box somewhere nearby at one time, with inbred British nobles making maps with lots of straight lines, ensuring ethnic and sectarian bloodshed for centuries to come.

StanleyPain - 2013-06-29

Dear Paul Weston,

Yes, you are a racist, and I'll briefly explain why. Because you are attributing problems in your country (a number of which you are greatly exaggerating their severity) to immigrants without even bothering to discuss or consider or weigh the numerous other factors that play into these problems with your country. Instead, the very first (and last) target of your ire is solely racial minorities, who compromise the bulk of the people you are talking about.

*whew* That was easy!

zerdzer - 2013-06-29

yes, a nationalist is a racist

he's not a particularly hateful racist, but he is a racist

not everything he says will be stupid, but most of it will be.

keeping his country's culture to be comprised purely of people from his country is an ideal that is impossible to achieve, and he'll rustle a lot of feathers with that goal, so he's never going to get mainstream support

but of course, there will be people who support him because he is against the intrusion of negative aspects of foreign cultures (such as islam. who really wants islam cluttering up their culture?)

baleen - 2013-06-29

"he's not a particularly hateful racist, but he is a racist"

Muslims are savage? I would venture to say this man has hardly read anything by any Muslim about anything.
My catch all response to these people is that if they didn't want all these savages coming to their country, they shouldn't have created a global empire and gotten involved in their business.

zerdzer - 2013-06-29

islam is a religion that was spread by the sword. the times it was peaceful were the times it was powerful. now because it is incompatible with western culture (which is prevalent in most first world countries), it is violent again.

that being said, most muslims in the west are just fine with western culture and they obviously aren't anything like "savages". it is unclear to me whether or not he was referring to _all_ people who identify as followers of islam.

Konversekid - 2013-06-30

If by "because it is incompatible with western culture" you mean "because of the the foreign affairs of the world's super powers for the last century", then you're right.

Gmork - 2013-06-30

yeah konverse let's forget that they are justifiably generalizable for the most part as crazy fucks who believe stupid shit and have inherent sexism, violence and ignorance as a major cultural trait that is encouraged within their society.

Gmork - 2013-06-30



Gmork - 2013-06-30

just kidding! talkin' bout the muslims

Bort - 2013-06-29

He can't be racist, he's too intelligent for that. Just listen to his accent.

Blue - 2013-06-29

I am so fucking glad I have a MMJ card.

This fucking conversation every two weeks or so. Fuuuuck. Every fucking time. Only 3 times, but it felt like 3 years.

Glad that is over.

Mister Yuck - 2013-06-30

It took me a really long time to figure out what that comment was about, but I got a feeling of satisfaction from doing it akin to what I get after parsing a difficult stanza in a long poem. Probably means I should go to the library.

didcotmassif - 2013-06-29

He looks a bit too swarthy to be English, send him back to whatever garlic munching flyblown patch of dust his anscestors came from

Crab Mentality - 2013-06-30

That's what I was going to bring up.

Aren't there several clips on this site from that British TV show where people got their DNA tested, and often found that they were part Mongolian, and otherwise a mishmash of European nations?

That guy - 2013-06-29

Do they really have "inciting religious hatred" laws for criticizing religion in GB?

No... they can't right? Why did I listen to this dick?

Riskbreaker - 2013-06-29

He truly is proud about that.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-06-29

But what if the immigrants are really sexy?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-06-29

On a scientific note I would be more concerned about how many people can survive in any one given place when global warming hits its height.

Too many people on that fucking island are going to have to evacuate in just a few decades, anyway. The Netherlands and Belgium will be practically non existent, along with Denmark. All those refugees will be going inland and all of the arguments made against Muslims and Third World people will be made against those countries as they head for Switzerland and Eastern Europe and Italy.

The God of Biscuits - 2013-06-29

5 stars for the YouTube comments alone.

misterbuns - 2013-06-29

I think your tie is horrible.

misterbuns - 2013-06-29


Spaceman Africa - 2013-06-30

Absolute wanker

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