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Comment count is 27
Spaceman Africa - 2013-07-03

Someone make "wood paneling" a tag please

chumbucket - 2013-07-03

I'm not understanding this at all. Then again I never go to Taco Hell.

Koda Maja - 2013-07-03

Two days ago I had never even heard of Baja Blast.

Now I have looked into the abyss...

spikestoyiu - 2013-07-03

It's fucking disgusting.

Koda Maja - 2013-07-03

Well, it is tailor made for Taco Bell.

Blue - 2013-07-03

It is the most wonderful thing in the world after a really good stoned workout.

RedRust - 2013-07-03

Baja Blast was delicious.

spikestoyiu - 2013-07-04

I promise it's disgusting. Blue's not a real person, so don't listen to them.

dementomstie - 2013-07-03

Is it just me or does he sound like he's doing that thing where you talk while you belch the whole time?

The Mothership - 2013-07-03

junkie walkin' in the twilight....

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-07-03

I'm beginning to think Baja Blast is like one of those marker dyes they put in cell cultures to identify cancer. Now I'm eagerly awaiting the chemotherapy to kick in.

Disaster - 2013-07-03

Why do all these guys look and talk like they're the avatars of the late 90's early 2000's?

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-07-03

"Me axe you a question. Where do you guys get those hats with the bills over the ears like that? I go intu all the city's stores & the only ones I can find are the ones with the bill in the front "

EvilHomer - 2013-07-03

Nah, it's the same. Jus' turn it sideways on ya head.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-07-03

"Thanks. Thank you."

memedumpster - 2013-07-03

You mean 1940's-1960's, when the hat on sideways peaked thanks to the military and Winky.

That guy - 2013-07-03

As my Dad would say, "This guy gets one vote, I get one vote."

Stopheles - 2013-07-03

I would bet my entire savings that he doesn't know the name of his US Representative, let alone his State Senator.

Sudan no1 - 2013-07-03

This is like watching the beginning of "The Stuff."

Jack Dalton - 2013-07-03

As you can imagine, it's awful--unless 100 grams of sugar in a soda is your thing. But we live in a dewocracy guys--PEPSI OR COKE LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!

Riskbreaker - 2013-07-03

Damn gangstalkers, messing with mah dew!

Mother_Puncher - 2013-07-03

Mountain Dew fans are always the worst because they are all kinda stuck in the turn of the millennium mindset and fashion. I used to collect soda in high school and now I hardly drink the shit but everyone I knew who liked Mountain Dew to the point where is was like this guy wore baggy pants and listened to Korn or Nickelback.

This dude looks and acts like he was instantly frozen during a Limp Bizkit video and just now thawed to learn MD had a new flavor exclusive to a fast food joint owned by Pepsi and got mad

lotsmoreorcs - 2013-07-03

this man is perhaps 40 years old

Enjoy - 2013-07-03

This man has 15 pairs of jorts.

Sanest Man Alive - 2013-07-03

This pimple scar doesn't know what soda activism means.


Now, THIS pimple scar...

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-07-03

Oh shit, you weren't joking about the "DEWmocracy". That's a thing.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-07-03

I hope that this guy is joking about a conspiracy, and also about wearing a baseball cap like that.

Baja Blast is the Faygo soda of Boxxy fans. Well, that may be overstated, but she likes it, and some of her fans like it, and when it became available in stores this summer, that led to a certain amount of online discussion amoung her fans. One of Catie's more mature fans may have tweeted her with a photgraph of his aging face next to a bottle of Baja Blast, and that tweet may have have been favorited by la Boxxybabee herself.


It's nothing to get all bent out of shape over, but Baja Blast is a pretty good companion to spicy food. I'll go as far as to say that I wouldn't go to Taco Bell nearly as often if not for Baja Blast. enough to say that In 2014, it was made available in stores temporarily, and it was nice to have it with some barbecued ribs from my favourite place in Appalachin, By itself, Baja Blast is not so special.

According to NPR, Mountain Dew , with its high sugar and caffeine content, is the preferred beverage of crystal meth users,a nd contributes to their proclivity for Tooth decay. Truefax.

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