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Comment count is 16
Nominal - 2013-07-16

Better accidents

If you play it backwards, you see a column of black smoke rushing from the sky to forge a truck out of nowhere.

Squeamish - 2013-07-16

Jesus. It's like Russia works on GTA physics.

RockBolt - 2013-07-16

Just Cause 2 got the sound effects right

Redford - 2013-07-16

It a game like Just Cause 2 where you can't land a plane because vehicles are coded to behave in the most fantastic way possible, the gas cylinders possess a surprising near-realistic behavior.

It makes me wonder if they got it right on accident, or they did their own experiments to get the movement and sound effects correct.

Hugo Gorilla - 2013-07-16

I hated this quest in New Vegas.

Bootymarch - 2013-07-16



fedex - 2013-07-16

why does everyones car/phone alarm sound like an 80s video arcade?

catpenis27 - 2013-07-16

Because that's Russia in a nutshell?

catpenis27 - 2013-07-16

Love the enormous tanker truck backing THE FUCK away from all that.

Old_Zircon - 2013-07-16

You know those stories about a drunk person who survives some spectacular accident against all odds because they were so drunk they just relaxed and let it happen to them?

That's Russia. Not the people in Russia, the country itself.

chumbucket - 2013-07-16

Shit happens...in Russia.

memedumpster - 2013-07-17

Russia is a hoax.

chairsforcheap - 2013-07-17

propane and propane accessories

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-07-17

Come for the explosion, stay for the hundred subsequent explosions.

baleen - 2013-07-17

I bet it would help if we parked on the freeway to watch!

The Mothership - 2014-12-05

they just keep exploding.

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