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Comment count is 14
simon666 - 2013-08-09

Sorry, no replay or slow mo.

Potter - 2013-08-09

I don;t think the helium is giving that much lift...

MrBuddy - 2013-08-10

I'm going to put helium in my bicycle tires

simon666 - 2013-08-09

Oh for fuck sakes.

Shoebox Joe - 2013-08-10

I may have to look for anything related to helium in tires due to Potter's reaction.

simon666 - 2013-08-10

Helium was a joke. However, you'll see that a number of car mod boards discuss helium as a potential way to lighten the spinning mass of the wheels, although it seems nobody knows exactly the right running temperatures for gaseous helium and how the volume is effected. I think most people concerned with lightening the mass of wheels use nitrogen. At least, this is what I could find.

memedumpster - 2013-08-10

Herbie Goes Pod Racing.

Old_Zircon - 2013-08-10


yogarfield - 2013-08-11

dash cam:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=n2s-W qXcG9A&t=181

Billy the Poet - 2013-08-10

Looks like a nice forest those assholes are driving their vroom vrooms through.

chairsforcheap - 2013-08-10

do you prefer nascar?

Shoebox Joe - 2013-08-10

Seriously, that was fucking amazing and anyone one starring this doesn't know how absolutely easy it is for the car to get unleveled. I wouldn't be surprised if the driver knew the dip was there, but that is a damn risky move to take.

Billy the Poet - 2013-08-10


memedumpster - 2013-08-10

Shoebox Joe, if you chained down a deer to a sheet of plywood under a one million candle power floodlight and began sawing it in half with a serrated knife, the noise it makes would be about the same as Internet people make when they are slightly uncomfortable.

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