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Comment count is 17
What about the Danger - 2007-02-16

Satire = Wish Fufillment.

Billy Buttsex - 2007-02-16

"Would you join me in a cigar?" With Clinton, those words actually meant something *sigh*

oktay - 2007-02-16

Tonight on Fox News: Fox News tries to jump a bandwagon, falls flat on its face.

Testicles of Doom - 2007-02-16

This is without a doubt, the worst thing I have ever seen.

stanleypain - 2007-02-16

Ho-lee shit. I....I....I got nothing.

Cockmaster Flash - 2007-02-16

This manages to be less amusing than Mallard Fillmore.

manfred - 2007-02-16

I enjoyed reading the youtube comments

love - 2007-02-16

aww come on, it's cute when they try to act like people

Jacques Strap - 2007-02-16

The area of the brain responsible for understanding satire is entirely absent in these people

Ahriman the Creepy Lurker - 2007-02-17

I think they've confused comedy with awkward horror, much like they've confused news with propaganda

panipuri - 2007-02-17

when this fails, they are going to blame the "liberal media" and "liberal hollywood"

BAC - 2007-02-19

+1 star for loves comment.

FABIO2 - 2007-02-20

Did Limbaugh just make a joke about someone else having a drug problem?

Hooper_X - 2007-02-20

I laughed. But not for the intended reasons.

phalsebob - 2007-03-08

Less satire. Dangerously close to Mary Sue Republican slash fan fiction.

tamago - 2007-04-28

I see we will continue our proud tradition of electing only Vice Presidents that have a penis.

Pie Boy - 2007-08-01

I'm surprised their heads didn't implode when they attempted to make fun of themselves.

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