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Comment count is 15
Killer Joe - 2014-03-17

See, THAT is intriguing.

infinite zest - 2014-03-17

This looks like fun! I'm assuming that the circus of cop cars is something of an adrenaline-fueled hallucination than the actual gameplay, but I miss driving games like this. The last one I played was (don't laugh) Gran Turismo 1 and hated how you could barrel into a wall at 150 mph and not endure a single scratch. Something about driving around a track with new cars and no consequences is about as fun to me as driving down to the airport in my parents station wagon to pick them up.

chumbucket - 2014-03-18

Not enough of these games let you ram head on into a wall, careen through the windshield and listen to your throat gargle on its own blood as you watch your own eyeball roll off the smashed and smoking hood before you pass out and die.

oddeye - 2014-09-28

How can you watch your own eyeballs do that exactly?

infinite zest - 2014-03-17

I was reading a review of the NFS movie in a local weekly whose reviews I generally trust, actually surprised that they took out half a page to review it (usually shitty movies just go to the listings section with something like "Jesse from Breaking Bad in a video game movie, bitch".. something like that.) After tearing it a new one for its non-existent plot and premise, the review ends with "Long story short, the movie is super dumb and super awesome."

I'm not going to pay to see it or anything, but if anyone has, is it a good dumb movie based on a video game franchise or a horrible dumb movie based on a video game franchise? Last one I saw that came slightly close to passable for me was Silent Hill, because I liked the director's Brotherhood of the Wolf.

SolRo - 2014-03-17

I've read they did all the car stunts live action and avoided CGI, that's always a plus for a car chase movie

infinite zest - 2014-03-17

Interesting. You'd think since it's a video game movie, they'd use new driving effects from PS4 or Xbox One to show off what a new Need for Speed could look like, kind of like The Wizard with SMB3.

James Woods - 2014-03-17

The lead character's name in The Wizard is Jimmy Woods

infinite zest - 2014-03-17

I'll bet he wished he had that Powerglove when he had to put the gun into his vagina tummy.

Nominal - 2014-03-17

With skyrocketing budgets and advances in effects, we still haven't gotten a better car chase movie than Blues Brothers.

infinite zest - 2014-03-17

I liked Ronin quite a bit, but yeah Blues Brothers was the perfect mix of action and comedy. One of the best films ever.

chumbucket - 2014-03-19

The French Connection and To Live and Die in L.A.

Hooker - 2014-03-17

I always thought the Need for Speed games were the height of soulless, producer-driven EA crap (aside from Madden, anyway). I might have to check this one out.

takewithfood - 2014-03-18

I really wanted the cars to combine together Voltron-style, but oh well.

Caminante Nocturno - 2015-05-30

Beware the Towering Pillar of Cop.

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