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Comment count is 11
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-06-13

Wny all the negativity? Why not "best win"?

Nikon - 2014-06-13


boner - 2014-06-13

This is about 30 goals more than I've ever seen happen in one soccer game.

Sanest Man Alive - 2014-06-13

There have been higher scores, but not without bugging out the game and destroying all we understand about the sport of soccer itself:


Also, I love the commentator offhandedly mentioning Oz's previous 22-0 win. Was Australia just really fucking good that year, or were they just slotted against nothing but flailing baby-men? Were there different rules in play? So many questions.

Raggamuffin - 2014-06-13

According to wikipedia, this was a qualification round for the world cup, and the setup at the time sometimes pitted teams against each other which had no business playing in the same match.

Australia didn't qualify for the cup tournament that year.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-13

Also according to Wikipedia, nearly every regular player on the American Samoan team was absent that day on account of passport issues, and they were replaced at the last minute by third-tier alternates (their second-tier team members were also unable to play, as most of them were busy taking school exams). The only guy who actually had real experience playing professional level soccer was their goalie; the rest of them were highschool kids playing their first ever full-length match. Not that it would have done them much good to have their regulars, mind you, because the full-strength Samoan team was ranked one of the last in the world, and that season they'd been trounced by every team they played against, usually by a score of 8 or 10 - 0.

So, flailing baby-men.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-13

Of course, the entire nation of American Samoa is about the size of a small MidWestern town, so I guess it's understandable if they can't find any decent soccer players.

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2014-06-14

Americans Samoans should stick to American Football.

Killer Joe - 2014-06-14

USA! USA! ...wait.

Enjoy - 2014-06-14

I just read the American Samoa Wikipedia page. Halfway down is a picture of the beauty pageant winner. Let's just say she would have lost worse than the soccer team.

Gmork - 2014-06-15


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