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Comment count is 13
urbanelf - 2014-07-27

Shouldn't this have an SFW fetish tag?

il fiore bel - 2014-07-27

It's probably wondering why her nose doesn't smell like another human's asshole.

fluffy - 2014-07-28

And why can't she flap her ears?!

EnochEmery - 2014-07-27

Imagine how many more things fundies would have to complain about if humans had prehensile tails and proboscises.

TeenerTot - 2014-07-28

That's a hairy little elephant.

urbanelf - 2014-07-28

Asian elephants are like that. It also can't drive a car to save its life.

il fiore bel - 2014-07-28

You racist twat! Asians are not hairy!

Bort - 2014-07-28

If John Hurt were an animal, that's what he'd be.

http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/bg/John+Hurt+Only+Lovers+Left+ Alive+Photo+Call+cLJR0XuEZpll.jpg

Sudan no1 - 2014-07-28

Aww. Fuck the hippies trying to get personhood for chimps and dolphins, elephants are the closest thing to another sentient species.

Sudan no1 - 2014-07-28

gorillas too I guess

That guy - 2014-07-29

You guys, you guys, you guys:
$$$$$ Let's go!!!!! $$$$$

duck&cover - 2014-07-29

Let's suck face.

Killer Joe - 2016-04-03

The girl kept her hands to herself. Probably part of the deal.

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