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Comment count is 6
boner - 2014-08-28


Guess what you have to type to get that response.

infinite zest - 2014-08-28

I kind of want to play it again. When I was a kid my dad would bring home the old computers when his office upgraded, so I had a 386 when the Pentiums were announced. I didn't care; I loved that computer and installed SB16 with the money I saved up so I could play Rebel Assault. The game barely ran, so I spent a lot of time fucking around with the bundle software.

Simillion - 2014-08-28

A golden age of PC gaming.

Btw for lulz go to wikipedias page on classic rpgs. They describe the EARLY eighties as a golden age of rpgs and the nineties as a decline. Hilarious nerds

infinite zest - 2014-08-28

well, the zork trilogy did come out around that time.. I didn't play them until at least the early 90s, but there was something magical about them. I got RTZ later and it really wasn't the world I had envisioned, even though it was a wonderful game. I guess it's like watching a movie and then reading the novel. But yeah, overall I'd say 90s ruled over 80s.

fluffy - 2014-08-28

The Zork games for the most part aren't really RPGs in any true sense of the genre though. They're puzzle-based text adventures. Beyond Zork has some minor RPG elements in it (in that you have D&D-type stats that affect which paths you can take through some of the puzzles) and Return to Zork was the classic Zork formula but with shitty acting.

I suspect those nerds might be way into Ultima.

infinite zest - 2014-08-28

Oh yeah. Ultima 8.

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