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Comment count is 8
That guy - 2014-08-28

So much more touching than Homeless Human By Train Tracks etc etc

EvilHomer - 2014-08-28


TeenerTot - 2014-08-28

Portal of tears? No way. sniff. I just got something in my eye is all.

Boomer The Dog - 2014-08-28

Finn, Finn On The Fly, movie where a Border Collie becomes a Human.

They're patient and gentle, like when I got my Pongo mutt from the dump, I had to sit in one place for a long time quietly until he came to me.


yogarfield - 2014-08-28

Dat sleep face.

American Standard - 2014-08-28

Please adopt homeless strays instead of buying purebreds.

Nominal - 2014-08-29

It infuriates me to no end when people I know start talking about the breeder puppy they just bought for hundreds of dollars. And it's always, ALWAYS yuppie shits whose conversations are 90% talking about the thing they just bought at the Pottery Barn/Cracker Barrel/Ikea, or what someone they know just bought at Potter Barn/Cracker Barrel/Ikea. And the excuse they always, ALWAYS use is "No, it was a reputable breeder!"

I used to have a friend who became a bigger and bigger yuppie asshole over the years as he got older and started making more money. He bought a breeder puppy for something like 0 because his wife wanted a hypoallergenic one like they were custom ordering something from a catalog (which they basically were; they bought the thing based off catalog pictures without ever meeting the dog). Around the 20th time he bashed my two shelter cats for being low class ("Dogs are just more prestigious") and not as good a post-brunch coffee table conversation piece as his expensive dog, it finally led to me shouting and stop being friends.

It sounds like a dumb reason just for that, but the soulless callous yuppie attitude had been creeping into everything else he did and said for years. Conversations in their circle were nothing but expensive shit they bought or complimenting each others' wonderful consumer taste for expensive shit they bought. It was like a constant real life American Psycho scene.

Breeder customers are just awful people supporting an even worse business.

Spaceman Africa - 2014-08-29


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