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Desc:Husband threatens skeptic handing out pamphlet asking simple questions. Story: http://goo.gl/3nNKEl
Category:News & Politics, Educational
Tags:skepticism, psychic, England, paranormal, skeptic
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Comment count is 9
dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-10-14

And here I'd thought calling someone you didn't like "gay" had gone out of style.

That guy - 2014-10-14

You know what never goes out of style?

Calling you a fartface, fartface.

spikestoyiu - 2014-10-15

Well, they're from the UK, so they just mean cigarettes.

kamlem - 2014-10-14

Of course Sally Morgan had no idea her most intimate partner is a thug and a homophobe. What do you think she is, psychic?

OxygenThief - 2014-10-15


The Mothership - 2014-10-14

You might have me for libel, but I've got you for threatening my life! Zing!

StanleyPain - 2014-10-15

The flyer this guy was passing out was basically just a list of all the things that a lot of psychics do to trick people. It doesn't even mention her by name, so I'm not sure how far legal threats are going to go.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-10-15

They never intend them to go to court, unless they think they can drown him in paperwork. They rely on Britain's rather onerous libel laws (the one accused of libel has to prove they didn't rather than the other way around) and that there's really no Bill of Rights to fall back on for free speech.

It's a fear tactic.

memedumpster - 2014-10-15

The man who challenged the family of Scanners did not upload a video.

Why is it these paranormal frauds are usually also raging bigots when confronted? Do the two have some kind of common thread?

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