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Comment count is 11
Caminante - 2006-03-04

That cat's not barking, he's singing!

zhevyevich - 2006-03-05

just give him some meow mix already

Xiphias - 2006-03-05

THIS CAT WAS RAISED BY WOLVES (but wolves don't bark?!?!?!?!)

Stopheles - 2006-03-05

My cat does that -- the one in the video is watching something on the other side of a screen window?

Hailey2006 - 2006-04-15

Nothing my cat is basically the same!

Aoi - 2006-05-07

I think it's a hunting instinct. My cat used to do that whenever he'd see something outside to kill.

Aelric - 2006-08-05

it's just meowing fast, people, not barking.. my roomates cats to that all night.

KnowFuture - 2006-08-24

Cats do that when they're getting ready to kill something. Watch Tut's teeth during the video.

SRBtP - 2006-12-22

Fuck all of you nonchalant idiots. This is amazing.

tamago - 2007-01-19

My cat used to make a barking sound. But it was more "woof"-like, not fast, short meowing like this.

Vicious - 2007-02-08


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