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Comment count is 12
Jet Bin Fever - 2014-12-11

You can't tell!

duck&cover - 2014-12-11

Is this about the one time the Enterprise met Abe Lincoln on the planet of the rock monsters?

Boomer The Dog - 2014-12-11

Fascinating, I liked that, he went through every tool, with explanations. High speed time-lapse Photoshop is dazzling, but really doesn't show technique you can learn.

Doing a high quality blend pic can take hours, depending on skill level and how many sources you need to put together. I make pictures of Dog people, and good ones take hours, if I want to get in there and nibble away at every imperfection.

My 'photo shop' is Photo Impact, which I think is defunct software now. I don't know why more people didn't pick up on Photo Impact for home use, it seemed to have most of the same tools as Photoshop, but was a tenth of the price at times.


fluffy - 2014-12-11

You are so precious.

EvilHomer - 2014-12-12

It's OK, but Mr YankFroggy is not paying enough attention to his lighting. If he checked the original image, he'd have seen that his light source (the sun) was coming from above and slightly right-of-center. Lincoln's face throws its strongest shadows to the left, and the highlights are strongest along its upper right edges. His Spock face, however, is reversed, with shadows on the right, highlights on the left. This is a pretty glaring error, and it makes Spock's face stand out like a sore Romulan in the final image. Also, the angle of Spock's face is a little awkward (the artist would have been better off using a three-quarter view picture) and the texture blending is a bit sloppy. It *is* nice that Mr YankFroggy gives explanations, but my guess is that he's probably fairly new to this.

There's actually a lot of really interesting tutorials on this kind of stuff; *I'm* not very good at it, but if you're curious, dig around! For example, DA has a sizable community of "transforming women into statues" fetishists (Pygmalionists, or something...?) Some of those guys do amazing Photoshop work, and I'm sure at least a few of them have done how-to vids on the best ways to make people look like statues.

Boomer The Dog - 2014-12-13

Hi Homer, I did notice the shadowing on Spock's left cheek, then how he kind of erased lots of that.

What I like to do is pre-work on both pictures separately before the combining, getting the pictures to look similar with brightness, contrast, white balance, tint, amount of noise, level range and other things, and only then cut or clone.

YankFroggy might be newer to the program, but I like that too, he doesn't overwhelm you on skills to where it's intimidating to people who think they could never reach that artist's level. If you say, 'I can do better than that, and I will!' that's a friendly, positive challenge, and that's a good teacher for you.

I'm glad that there are better tutorials, I keep hitting on the speed drawings of Furries and time-lapse photoshops, that seems like they were just records of what the morpher did, and decided to just post them, gaze in awe, but not to learn much from really.

It might be interesting to make a stone Dog out of a real picture, I could make statues of my past pets.

Here's one I'm working on, my Collie plush in the hall, and I inserted a B&W stock picture of Here's Boomer that I'd previously anthro-morphed, so it's like TV's Boomer is at my house!

The original picture was taken with a long lens Olympus cam and had very flat lighting, so when I was done adding the Boom, I was able to add a wide spot aimed at the Collie, that along with the yellow tint makes it look like an old picture.



EvilHomer - 2014-12-13

That's pretty cool, Boomer! It reminds me of all those Augmented-Reality Pony manips that brony 'shoppers like to do - you know, the ones where they take a picture of their living room, then edit it so it looks like Fluttershy is lying on their couch or whatever.

Boomer The Dog - 2014-12-13

The Brony-our Stomp. Ha, I haven't seen those manips with Fluttershy in someone's living room, but after doing the Boomer picture and others, I can see why that works, it feels like your TV/movie friend is right there in your space, and as a fan, who wouldn't like that?

You could draw your space and put Fluttershy in it!


Boomer The Dog - 2014-12-13

Found some, not just one pony, multiple, cute.


http://www.deviantart.com/art/My-Living-Room-with-3-Ponies-343 247865

Pretty cool, reminds me of Roger Rabbit, Song Of The South, etc.

The Dog

EvilHomer - 2014-12-13

Check this out:


EvilHomer - 2014-12-13

The whole channel is filled with stuff like that. It'd be neat to see something similar, only with Boomer and your other favorite dogs!

Boomer The Dog - 2014-12-13

Cool Homer, animated real life yet! Now that would be the skill level to have, I could put Here's Boomer video in my video. I haven't gotten anywhere near it with video yet.


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