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Comment count is 11
The Mothership - 2015-02-21

Adult Contemporary!

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-02-21

Yep, "All Time High" isn't going to make anyone's list of best Bond songs. I like me some laser boobies though.

infinite zest - 2015-02-21

I could've sworn this was on here but nope. I think I'm gonna try pointing a gun at a pretty girl at the bar tonight. They seem to like it when you do this.

memedumpster - 2015-02-21

Since I snagged the "Every James Bond Opening Credits" video off poe, I have heard this song a thousand times. It's a great single video playlist to take up an hour or so. Madonna's song is still the only obviously phoned in one. It really sticks out.

Hooker - 2015-02-21

Apparently, Steven Spielberg really wanted to direct a Bond film throughout the 70s and was pushing really hard in the late 70s/very early 80s. The Broccolis, who controlled the rights to Bond, refused to give up much creative control over the Bond series to the directors and writer that worked on them, so Spielberg made Raiders of the Lost Arc instead. Over that time period, The Broccolis made Moonraker, For Your Eyes Only, and Octopussy. What could have been.

SolRo - 2015-02-22

No Spielberg movie is worth the loss of Moonraker

StanleyPain - 2015-02-22

FYEO is probably one of the best Moore Bond films. It's a straight espionage movie without any of the over-the-top trappings and ludicrous slapstick that his era was known for. It's pretty much the closest thing Moore ever did to a "straight" Bond film that was more in character to the early Connery movies.

Old_Zircon - 2015-02-22

I don't know, if I'm going to watch a Moore Bond movie I want it to be as dumb as possible.

If only Octopussy had Walken in it.

StanleyPain - 2015-02-22

Personally, I think the best "ridiculous" Moore Bond was The Spy Who Loved Me. It's stupid enough to be entertaining, but not stupid enough to be totally insulting a-la Moonraker.

Plus, I just have a thing for the fucking amazing set used at the end for the oil tanker interior (one of the largest sets ever built, and it was turned into the 007 Soundstage at Pinewood where, among other things, they also built the entire forest for Legend)

infinite zest - 2015-02-22

Spielberg Bond might've been cool, but it could've turned out like Munich, which was a great movie (and current Mr. Bond's best performance IMO.) Apparently Spielberg wanted Indiana Jones to be a lot darker and without much humor, but the success of Star Wars said otherwise, so let's make Nazis and treasure hunting fun. The Bond series under his hands could have easily gone into a darker more realistic direction oh wait it already did. I miss Bond's fun toys and I MISS PIERCE BROSNAN!

Hooker - 2015-02-22

Spielberg was inspired by Goldfinger. I don't think he would have turned it into fucking Munich.

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