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Comment count is 24
Architeuthis Tux - 2015-03-29

If you value your sanity, believe the description.

I'm not squeamish at all, but this is sufficiently horrible I don't have any jokes for it.

Cockmaster Flash - 2015-03-29

I managed about 10 sec before I checked out.

There is wisdom in the description.

hammsangwich - 2015-03-30

I paused at exactly :10.

infinite zest - 2015-03-29

Jiggers don't jump, they bounce!

betamaxed - 2015-03-29

I will strive to do whatever it takes to never have my feet end up like that.

betamaxed - 2015-03-29

Oh and here's part 2 if you want to see what it looks like when one of these things is cut away from UNDER A NAIL


Don't watch this after eating lunch.

Architeuthis Tux - 2015-03-29

There are entirely too many colors coming out of those pockets.

il fiore bel - 2015-03-29


Poor Mr. Henry.

I actually flinched when they poured the peroxide.

Nominal - 2015-03-30

Me and my expert medical knowledge again!

Isn't peroxide completely useless as a disinfectant?

yogarfield - 2015-05-09

Poor Mr. Henry, indeed. I'm not complaining about anything for.. at least a week.

Robin Kestrel - 2015-03-29

Move over, botfly... There's a new parasite in town!

huene - 2015-03-29

I've seen enough Mangoworm extraction videos to stomach this.

Nominal - 2015-03-29

Don't these things just leave on their own after a couple weeks? Are they even worth carving up your foot one chunk at a time with a filthy razor blade to remove?

Potter - 2015-03-29

no, they release eggs and die in a few weeks, then they rot and the secondary infection you see here sets in.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-03-29

The preview image was too much for me.

RedHood - 2015-03-29

Ok. so I watched both and this poor fucker (named Henry) had these things living in him for 5 years. I can't imagine the constant pain he suffered. His fingers/hands/feet were all ravaged by the chigoes. Hope he is better now.

ashtar. - 2015-03-29

I just noticed that this has a 3D option. You know, in case you want to see that in 3D.

Gmork - 2015-03-30

Reading the comments. Pre-video.

Gmork - 2015-03-30

I second the notion of "Thank you peroxide".

Protoseth - 2015-03-30

Just finished watching it all the way through, and it's a fantastic testament to humanity's greatness! I can see this affliction killing people in our past, when the feet become unusable, and the drain on the body is too great. But how lucky are we to be human, and have other humans there to donate their time to this very gross work!

From what we gather throughout the video, the woman performing surgery on Henry's feet has been doing this as a volunteer for three years, and it shows. Each cut, each little dig she makes with that blade is done with such precise care and control that there's no flowing blood until about nine minutes into the video, when she clips his middle toe. That means that she's cutting away calluses and exposing raw, healthy skin while digging out these jiggers, all without drawing blood.

For those of you not feeling up to watching, it's twenty-five minutes of a woman meticulously slicing the top layer of dead, calloused skin away and scraping out jigger eggs from underneath, which appear to be tiny white blobs. There is surprisingly little free-flowing fluid, lots of raw, pink flesh, and Henry never seems to express any sort of pain.

Old_Zircon - 2015-03-30

I am not watching this, but stars for leading me to learn that "jigger" isn't just a misspelling of "chigger" and that they are, in fact, two completely different awful things.

Also for reminding me about Seasick Steve.


Lord_Crocodilicus - 2015-03-30

I thought this was gonna be a video about fishing.

Bus_Aint_Comin - 2015-03-31

henry is just chillin'. probably because the initial sites grow calloused in a week or so.

gambol - 2015-03-31

One down!

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