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Comment count is 17
Xenocide - 2015-04-13

I miss this show to pieces and I'm going to pretend Jurassic World is a fanfic Andy wrote about himself.

Bort - 2015-04-13

"The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" helped take away the pain for a minute; watch that and you'll feel better.

chumbucket - 2015-04-13

That is great prescription for Parks and Rec withdrawal. I have been very very impressed with the show so far.

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-13

I've been watching the whole series and seasons 2 and 3 were great but I feel like it slipped noticeably in season 4, should I keep going?

Bort - 2015-04-13

You should keep going.

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-13

OK, Ron Swanson auditing the women's studies course won me back over.

Bort - 2015-04-13

Ron Swanson is the only good libertarian.

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-13

There must be a real Ron Swanson out there someplace.

Monkey Napoleon - 2015-04-14

Kimmy Schmidt is the version of Parks and Rec where none of the characters are interesting, the cast has zero chemistry, and nobody says anything funny.

fedex - 2015-04-13

If only all commercials could be like this

SolRo - 2015-04-13

Really? You'd rob us of desperate used car salesmen commercials?

Bort - 2015-04-13

What, they get Duke Silver as their spokesman? Not everyone's got that kind of money.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-04-13

I was thinking of submitting this, but I had just been drawn into a long debate with people who do not like this show. Fuck em.

Prickly Pete - 2015-04-13

Ron Swanson lost any and all depth that season.

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-13

AS I said above, I feel like the characters are already flattenign out a lot in season 4. Too much reliance on romantic intrigue, too, which is about the laziest thing to write about. I would already be expecting a baby subplot near the end of the season even if they hadn't pounded e over the head with foreshadowing. Still fun but not nearly as smart as it was for a while there.

Season 4 is almost always where TV shows start to lose it, though.

Bort - 2015-04-14

I really can't begrudge Leslie and Ben falling in love; these things happen to people, and they are a good fit. But they aren't one of those TV couples who produce drama and conflict so as to perpetuate the species (i.e. the show); the few disagreements they have are resolved more or less like adults.

The one misstep in their relationship was the whole Trial of Leslie Knope business, where I don't think the show ever made a plausible case for why the Ben / Leslie romance was out of bounds. I think it was said that it's not actually illegal for employees to date their supervisors and it was just Chris's rule, but how does he have the authority to enforce a rule like that?

Personally I would have gone straight to Ben being caught between love and doing his job well (which, seeing as he is in town precisely to be as impartial as possible, would not allow him romance with any department). Skip the sneaking around, skip the explosion, go straight to Ben feeling he has to quit his job. That would give him more time for episodes about claymation and calzones.

Bort - 2015-04-13

Of course there's a cartoon:


They made some odd character choices, like changing Ron's hair color and turning Tom into a bear.

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